Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Minecraft!! :o
So I got a lot of mods in my minecraft, we have atum, portal, grimoire of gaia 2 and more. I will just talk about Grimoire of gaia, it adds a lot of new monsters in the game. I will first talk about the creep, the creep is just a small version of the creeper but ugly, they will also explode and they appear underground only. Nagas are dangerous they look like snake things that have an iron sword and another good thing about this mod is that it adds new food like butter apple slices, lie slices ( I call cakes lies ) and there are also shards. The shards are butter shards, emerald shards, iron shards and diamond shards, they are awesome and this mod adds a lot of fast enemies but also some slow creatures, if you want super hardcore survival make the gamemode hardcore, get the grimoire of gaia mod, mo'creatures mod and the slenderman mod.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Children |
Slower |
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Slowerno ( Another Version Of The Slower ) |
The Hangman |
Sunday, April 28, 2013
So I got Terraria, it is just like minecraft but in 2D, it is fun. Right
now I am playing it with my brothers in our save game called Derp CO. Our house is a big house but it is underground. There are some NPCs ( Non Playable Characters ) in our house, we have a guide called Luke and a nurse ( I forgot the nurse's name ), we also had a merchant called Barney but we killed him because he kept leaving the doors open, the bad thing about that is that the zombies, slimes and demon eyes could get in, another reason was because he was a purple dinosaur. So I have a little pool in our house ( before I called it my pee hole because I grabbed a water bucket then put some water in a hole then I named it my pee hole but then I just called it my pool (but with a weird smell ). My big brother got demonite ore that is a really hard thing to find because my big brother just dug down to find it, it took him about ten minutes or more to get that and it is so hard to find ores. The only easy one to find is copper. Any way this is the end of my post.
The Creation of Chemistry - The Fundamental Laws
Antoine Lavoisier was the creator of chemistry, he found out and named oxygen and hydrogen, he also proved that silicon existed and one person said he sold tobacco so he got killed by a guillotine is a fast death but it is horrible when you have to get killed by a guillotine because you will die, it cuts off your head, there is a blade on the top and then they pull a rope so the blade will go up and then the person puts his head and the guillotine and then they let go of the rope then the blade falls and it cuts off the person's head that is a really horrible death and a lot of people watch you die in the old days if you get killed by a guillotine ( maybe children also watch you die but that is not good ) that death is really horrible.
The person who discovered chemistry was smart ( already forgot his name ) Antoine Lavoisier ( found out his name again ) married a girl when she was thirteen ( weird but it was not really surprising in the old days ) there is a paint of her and Antoine, Antoine had grey hair but his wife did not and his wife looks a lot younger than him, now you cannot be married at thirteen you have to be eighteen, getting married when you are thirteen sounds weird doesn't it? Chemistry was hard to discover but they did find it and people were surprised and amazed but now chemistry doesn't sound so amazing because it is not new and a lot of people know about chemistry but before not many people knew how about chemistry and a really long time ago nobody knew about it because nobody was really smart in those days.
Antoine's laboratory is in a museum, it is old but it was cool that they found it, it is really his laboratory it is not a model or a fake one that you can buy, it is the real one. Antoine died when he was fifty years old in 8 May 1794 ( so that means that chemistry was found a long time ago ).
Antoine studied other stuff like astronomy, botany and mathematics. Antoine was friends with Benjamin Franklin ( he is the sixth president of Pennsylvania )
Antoine was 28 when he married his 13 year old wife. He researched on gases, water, and combustion, he explained how metals rusted and that how oxygen was in plants' and animals' respiration. The person who accused Antoine of selling tobacco died because he was assassinated and they thought it was Antoine ( but we are not sure if it was him ) so they killed Antoine with a guillotine.
Antoine's wife helped him in his experiments. Antoine actually helped the French revolution, he was born in those days that is a long time ago and he was born in Paris and died in Paris ( that is because there was nothing to get to another country because nobody even made a computer like yours, well maybe the plane was made but it was too dangerous to have a lot of people in it because the first plane was made out of wood and the first pilot to ride it almost died because if the plane crashes in the water it will not work and there is nobody to save you but now there are boats and life jackets in the plane so you can float but in those days if you don't know how to swim you are dead because you would just drown and die but you have a chance of living if your friend saves you but if you are alone you will die but sometimes you can be washed up on a beach or something.
Antoine was born to a wealthy family and his wife's family was also wealthy.
When Antoine was guillotined, he probably bleed a lot because you have no head and blood everywhere and it is a horrible sight good thing there are no more people who use guillotines to execute people ( I think because well who wants to see so much blood and do you see anybody get killed by a guillotine now, you don't do you, but if a random person kills people with a guillotine for no reason is bad because there are still guillotines but the are not used so they put them in museums and stuff ). the guillotine was famous in France because they used it a lot and Antoine was killed by a guillotine in France ( is that why it is so famous in France? )
Any way this is the end of my post.
The person who discovered chemistry was smart ( already forgot his name ) Antoine Lavoisier ( found out his name again ) married a girl when she was thirteen ( weird but it was not really surprising in the old days ) there is a paint of her and Antoine, Antoine had grey hair but his wife did not and his wife looks a lot younger than him, now you cannot be married at thirteen you have to be eighteen, getting married when you are thirteen sounds weird doesn't it? Chemistry was hard to discover but they did find it and people were surprised and amazed but now chemistry doesn't sound so amazing because it is not new and a lot of people know about chemistry but before not many people knew how about chemistry and a really long time ago nobody knew about it because nobody was really smart in those days.
Antoine's laboratory is in a museum, it is old but it was cool that they found it, it is really his laboratory it is not a model or a fake one that you can buy, it is the real one. Antoine died when he was fifty years old in 8 May 1794 ( so that means that chemistry was found a long time ago ).
Antoine studied other stuff like astronomy, botany and mathematics. Antoine was friends with Benjamin Franklin ( he is the sixth president of Pennsylvania )
Antoine was 28 when he married his 13 year old wife. He researched on gases, water, and combustion, he explained how metals rusted and that how oxygen was in plants' and animals' respiration. The person who accused Antoine of selling tobacco died because he was assassinated and they thought it was Antoine ( but we are not sure if it was him ) so they killed Antoine with a guillotine.
Antoine's wife helped him in his experiments. Antoine actually helped the French revolution, he was born in those days that is a long time ago and he was born in Paris and died in Paris ( that is because there was nothing to get to another country because nobody even made a computer like yours, well maybe the plane was made but it was too dangerous to have a lot of people in it because the first plane was made out of wood and the first pilot to ride it almost died because if the plane crashes in the water it will not work and there is nobody to save you but now there are boats and life jackets in the plane so you can float but in those days if you don't know how to swim you are dead because you would just drown and die but you have a chance of living if your friend saves you but if you are alone you will die but sometimes you can be washed up on a beach or something.
Antoine was born to a wealthy family and his wife's family was also wealthy.
When Antoine was guillotined, he probably bleed a lot because you have no head and blood everywhere and it is a horrible sight good thing there are no more people who use guillotines to execute people ( I think because well who wants to see so much blood and do you see anybody get killed by a guillotine now, you don't do you, but if a random person kills people with a guillotine for no reason is bad because there are still guillotines but the are not used so they put them in museums and stuff ). the guillotine was famous in France because they used it a lot and Antoine was killed by a guillotine in France ( is that why it is so famous in France? )
Any way this is the end of my post.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
All The Bugs! |
Golem |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
So I got mo'creatures ( DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!! ) and it is fun. The newest animal I have is an ostrich and for some reason I named it Scorch. He is a male ostrich. I tamed him when he was an egg and he is fully grown now. He has a chest and a saddle on him, I am going to add a butter flag to him. My brother has a komodo dragon called Vladimir, he is still a baby, and is going to add a saddle for him when he is an adult. I am going to make a snake, he will be named Venom, I don't know what type of snake it will be because it will be random but I want a cobra ( snakes are cool because they are made out of lots of little blocks ). Any way this is the end of my post.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
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Jackal |
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Rhino |

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
So I am going to be Draven, he is a Noxian executioner. His brother is Darius who is also a Noxian. Darius looks much more tougher than his brother, Darius is a melee but Draven is ranged. Draven throws his swords instead of hitting with them ( LINK! for Draven's normal skin and LINK! for gladiator DRAVEN! ). There are a lot of Noxians like Swain, Sion, Talon, Katarina, Morgana, LeBlanc, Dr. Mundo, Cassiopeia, Warwick, Urgot, Vladmir and Singed (that is a lot of Noxians), the enemies of the Noxians are the Demacians. They are meant to be the good team, the list of Demcians are Garen, Jarvan IV, Quinn, Valor, Sona, Shyvana, Poppy, Lux, Galio, Fiora, Xin Zhao and Vayne, there are more Noxians than Demacians. Any way this is the end of my blog post.
Monday, April 15, 2013
LOL ( League Of Legends )
So I think I will be Talon ( the assassin who looks like the assassin from assassin's creed ).
He has a really cool skin but I find his normal skin cool also ( LINK! for normal skin and LINK! for his really awesome skin )
My little brother wants to be Xin Zhao ( the guy in the yellow armor without the helmet ) my favorite skin for him is the Warring Kindoms skin I don't really like the normal skin for him ( LINK! for Normal and LINK! for Warring, Jarvan also has a Warring skin LINK! for Warring )
Annie and Amumu have a skin set also for Amumu is almost prom king Amumu but the skin for Annie is Prom queen Annie.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
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The Three Starting Suits |
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Unit Conversion & Significant Figures
This post is about Unit Conversion & Significant Figures ( so get ready to hear a lot of weird words ). You cannot speed up time or slow down time ( but if you could that would be really awesome but not for the other people on the planet because they would get angry ), but the earth is slowing down but that does not mean that everybody is slower but you can change time on the computer but that does not really change the time but you can do it all you want. There is a unit conversion for time, weight, speed, length and weight ( did you see what I did there? ) like one minute is sixty seconds and sixty minutes is one hour, twenty four hours is one day and three hundred sixty five days is a year ( too long for you? NO! OK! ).
Measurement is also part of this because if everything was the same height that would be weird because grass would be the same height as us and that would not be good and some tall animals would not be tall anymore like a giraffe would be short an whale would be short but the stuff like a praying mantis would be big and it might eat us and that would be not so good and they would also be really scary and houses would be your size and that is bad and your computer would be bigger than you so that is why it is good everything is different height, so a person might be higher than you but somebody might not be higher than you because you might be the tallest person in the world but you would not be forever because somebody else will become the highest person
One hundred centimeters is one meter ( centi means one hundred that is why it is centimeter ) one kilometer is one thousand meters, so that means that there are one hundred thousand centimeters in a kilometer ( kilo means thousand ). Is this too confusing for you then you should read another blog post that is easier to understand or is this too easy to understand ( wait what! ) then go to Wikipedia because it is really complicated but sometimes Wikipedia does not have what you are looking for ( because sometimes a random idiot goes to Wikipedia and looks at something and thinks that is not right and puts in the wrong thing because once I found a lot of incorrect spellings in Wikipedia but those pages are rare but you might find one and you will be really annoyed because I know that feeling )
If everything was heavier than the earth the things on the earth will go down under the ground and if it hits the earth's core it will die so that means the whole earth would just be it's core because everything would be heavier than it and there are a lot of things so before we were on the earth it would be destroyed because the stuff that lived before us would already destroy the earth, so that is why it is bad if everything changes, the earth is fine if it stays like this that is why if there is time travel it would be illegal ( It sounds like an ill eagle ) because you cannot just change the time if someone changes time I might not be born but time travel does not exists because do you see anyone from the future here? no there is not any.
One century is one hundred years and there are 52,560,000 minutes in a century and there are 3,153,600,000 seconds in a century this is really hard to calculate in the old days because there were no calculators and I calculated this with a calculator so if you show a person in the old days a calculator he would be amazed but you cannot meet people in the old days because most of them are dead ( it would be awesome if you could meet people from the past but you cannot time travel but if you could that would change stuff so that is bad because a person might not be born or you friend might be born or even you not being born so that is why if there is time travel you should not do it but you can pretend to time by using your computer clock but that will not work but you can do it )
Measurement is also part of this because if everything was the same height that would be weird because grass would be the same height as us and that would not be good and some tall animals would not be tall anymore like a giraffe would be short an whale would be short but the stuff like a praying mantis would be big and it might eat us and that would be not so good and they would also be really scary and houses would be your size and that is bad and your computer would be bigger than you so that is why it is good everything is different height, so a person might be higher than you but somebody might not be higher than you because you might be the tallest person in the world but you would not be forever because somebody else will become the highest person
One hundred centimeters is one meter ( centi means one hundred that is why it is centimeter ) one kilometer is one thousand meters, so that means that there are one hundred thousand centimeters in a kilometer ( kilo means thousand ). Is this too confusing for you then you should read another blog post that is easier to understand or is this too easy to understand ( wait what! ) then go to Wikipedia because it is really complicated but sometimes Wikipedia does not have what you are looking for ( because sometimes a random idiot goes to Wikipedia and looks at something and thinks that is not right and puts in the wrong thing because once I found a lot of incorrect spellings in Wikipedia but those pages are rare but you might find one and you will be really annoyed because I know that feeling )
If everything was heavier than the earth the things on the earth will go down under the ground and if it hits the earth's core it will die so that means the whole earth would just be it's core because everything would be heavier than it and there are a lot of things so before we were on the earth it would be destroyed because the stuff that lived before us would already destroy the earth, so that is why it is bad if everything changes, the earth is fine if it stays like this that is why if there is time travel it would be illegal ( It sounds like an ill eagle ) because you cannot just change the time if someone changes time I might not be born but time travel does not exists because do you see anyone from the future here? no there is not any.
One century is one hundred years and there are 52,560,000 minutes in a century and there are 3,153,600,000 seconds in a century this is really hard to calculate in the old days because there were no calculators and I calculated this with a calculator so if you show a person in the old days a calculator he would be amazed but you cannot meet people in the old days because most of them are dead ( it would be awesome if you could meet people from the past but you cannot time travel but if you could that would change stuff so that is bad because a person might not be born or you friend might be born or even you not being born so that is why if there is time travel you should not do it but you can pretend to time by using your computer clock but that will not work but you can do it )
SCP Mod for minecraft
SCP-106 |
SCP-173 |
SCP-173 ( the sculpture ) in real life |
SCP-006 ( the fountain of youth ) in real life |
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
SCP-Containment breach
SCP-106 |
SCP-106 Going Through The Ceiling! |
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Nucleus
This post is about the Nucleus, it is not the cell nucleus so if you want to see a post about a cell nucleus just search for another blog or Wikipedia because I am not going to make a post about it ( just go to Wikipedia because Wikipedia has almost everything about everything even stuff about the cell nucleus so if you are looking for a cell nucleus just go to Wikipedia ). The person who found out about the atomic nucleus is named Ernest Rutherford and his residence is New Zealand, UK and Canada ( YEAH! New Zealand!). He died when he was sixty six, he was smart because he discovered about the atomic nucleus and that must be hard to discover some people call Ernest "The Father of Nuclear Physics" because he was one of the smart people. There are not many smart people in the world, if you combine all the smart people's brains together that brain would know almost everything.
Ernest is considered the greatest experimentalist since Michael Faraday ( a funny thing about Michael Faraday is that he was born in a town called Newington butts, BUTTS! it is really weird name for a town because of the butt part of it's name, you can make fun of the town because the name if really funny ) it was hard to find out stuff in the old days because you might need a machine to find out one thing so it is getting easier to learn about stuff. Ernest won six awards and that is a lot because you can't get awards that easily because you have to be good at a skill or you have to be smart to get an award and the awards he won are chemistry awards, he even got the Nobel prize for chemistry and not many people get Nobel prizes but he was one of the rare people who got one.
Everything is make out of chemicals, there are a lot of chemicals, people did not find all the chemicals but we found a lot of chemicals, we are not sure if we found most of the chemicals because there might be more than one million chemicals but there might be less than one hundred fifty but we are not sure and we will never be sure maybe we found all the chemicals but people cannot just say that because they have to prove that we found all the chemicals, it is hard to find proof because there might be another chemical that only appears in another solar system or in another planet like mars or maybe the sun, if there is a chemical in the sun it will be hard to discover because the sun is really far away, it will take more than ten more days, a lot more than that and the closer you get to the sun, the hotter it will get and the rocket ship will get abandoned because the people on it would probably die of old age before even getting close to the sun.
Einstein proved that atoms exist, before Einstein proved that they existed some people were saying atoms are only a theory but they were wrong they actually exists. Silver in the Periodic table is weird because the chemical symbol is Ag, instead of something SV because SI is taken by silken and SV is for nothing so silver should be SV, it is weird that it is called AG but I don't think they are allowed to change the chemical symbol so lets try to not get annoyed by AG because it is annoying to a lot of people because AG looks like it is for something else but it is for silver ( WEIRD!! WHY DON'T THEY CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME! IT IS REALLY ANNOYING BUT I DON'T KNOW IF PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME OF A CHEMICAL THAT IS ONE OF THE WEIRD STUFF IN CHEMISTRY ) .
Ernest was one of the smart people in the world, it is not easy being smart but it is very easy being dumb, some people are in the middle of smart and dumb but most people are a little bit dumber than that or a little bit smarter than that. Ernest had 23 students and his students probably learned a lot and they probably became a lot smarter because they had a really smart teacher that won a lot of awards and they were probably amazed by him, Ernest was born long before you were born he was born at 1871, if you were born before him you would be dead ( Well you might be born before him if you are a time traveling person but the time machine would probably never be made because you can't just travel through time, you might cause something bad to happen ). Any way this is the end of my chemistry post.
Ernest is considered the greatest experimentalist since Michael Faraday ( a funny thing about Michael Faraday is that he was born in a town called Newington butts, BUTTS! it is really weird name for a town because of the butt part of it's name, you can make fun of the town because the name if really funny ) it was hard to find out stuff in the old days because you might need a machine to find out one thing so it is getting easier to learn about stuff. Ernest won six awards and that is a lot because you can't get awards that easily because you have to be good at a skill or you have to be smart to get an award and the awards he won are chemistry awards, he even got the Nobel prize for chemistry and not many people get Nobel prizes but he was one of the rare people who got one.
Everything is make out of chemicals, there are a lot of chemicals, people did not find all the chemicals but we found a lot of chemicals, we are not sure if we found most of the chemicals because there might be more than one million chemicals but there might be less than one hundred fifty but we are not sure and we will never be sure maybe we found all the chemicals but people cannot just say that because they have to prove that we found all the chemicals, it is hard to find proof because there might be another chemical that only appears in another solar system or in another planet like mars or maybe the sun, if there is a chemical in the sun it will be hard to discover because the sun is really far away, it will take more than ten more days, a lot more than that and the closer you get to the sun, the hotter it will get and the rocket ship will get abandoned because the people on it would probably die of old age before even getting close to the sun.
Einstein proved that atoms exist, before Einstein proved that they existed some people were saying atoms are only a theory but they were wrong they actually exists. Silver in the Periodic table is weird because the chemical symbol is Ag, instead of something SV because SI is taken by silken and SV is for nothing so silver should be SV, it is weird that it is called AG but I don't think they are allowed to change the chemical symbol so lets try to not get annoyed by AG because it is annoying to a lot of people because AG looks like it is for something else but it is for silver ( WEIRD!! WHY DON'T THEY CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME! IT IS REALLY ANNOYING BUT I DON'T KNOW IF PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME OF A CHEMICAL THAT IS ONE OF THE WEIRD STUFF IN CHEMISTRY ) .
Ernest was one of the smart people in the world, it is not easy being smart but it is very easy being dumb, some people are in the middle of smart and dumb but most people are a little bit dumber than that or a little bit smarter than that. Ernest had 23 students and his students probably learned a lot and they probably became a lot smarter because they had a really smart teacher that won a lot of awards and they were probably amazed by him, Ernest was born long before you were born he was born at 1871, if you were born before him you would be dead ( Well you might be born before him if you are a time traveling person but the time machine would probably never be made because you can't just travel through time, you might cause something bad to happen ). Any way this is the end of my chemistry post.
The Bind Of Issac and a little bit of slender
A Proxy |
Monday, April 8, 2013
The Best Items In Games EVAR! and Most Annoying Enemies In Games EVAR!
Warmog's Armor |
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Issac Wearing Mom's Bra |
Horseless Headless Horseman |
( if you want team fortress 2 you can go and get it, it is free on steam, league of legends is free also but it is on Garena Plus, The Binding Of Issac is not free, it cost 4.99 on steam )
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Binding Of Issac!
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Globin |
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Gurdy |
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Gemini |
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