Tuesday, May 28, 2013

D0TA 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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New Razor Set
I fought my friend and I pwned him. I got a lot of strong weapons like Sange and Yasha, I did not use any cheats in it. I checked the dota 2 wiki and it says there is finally a set for razor, it looks awesome but it costs so much, I might have enough money to buy it, I think I will get more than twenty dollars, so I think I can buy it. Poor Razor two people tries copying him, Zeus and Storm Spirit. Everyone wants to fight me because I am the strongest, both my brothers are going to fight me and I will have no teammates. I need my big brother's friend to get Dota 2, I have about five Dota 2 invites so I will try giving it to him because it needs to be fair. Any way this is the end of my post.

Monday, May 27, 2013

D0TA 2

I did not get to play Garry's mod because it is validating but I will try waiting it to validate today. In Dota 2, I will fight my little brother. So there are now steam trading cards, I have no idea how to craft them, the tidehunter costs a lot in the steam market, there are also profile backgrounds, some of them are cheap but I only have ten cents left so I am going to check if I can get any backgrounds, I can't buy any backgrounds, the cheapest one is twenty dollars checking if I can get any cards. I can't get any get any cards or items in dota 2, only items with limited uses, no items only horrible items, any way I will be Riki, he is an assassin that can do more damage if he hits the enemy's back. Any way this is the end of my blog post.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

This is how Buddhism was made, there was a prince and he was in a place and if he went out of it he would not be able to rule the kingdom, the palace had great food and great entertainment so he would not go away from the house but the prince knew that there was more to live so he went out of his palace, he encountered an old man, an sick man and a corpse during his travels, he found out that their desires made them like that then he became an ascetic then he meditated for a long time and he did not eat much, after he meditated under a tree for a month something happened it was nirvana, he started understanding the meaning of live then he thought it to other people then he became the Buddha ( Buddha means teacher in some language, I am not sure. )

Garry's Mod

The Three Pokemon
I made a lot of weird stuff in Gmod, I got a pokemon map and I decided to make weird pokemon and I failed, but they are really funny. The cat can shoot out fire from it's mouth and he can shoot out poop from his butt. I have strong weapons, I like the plank weapon it is just a plank that does three hundred damage so it will kill a player in one hit. I think I will get the Dota 2 pack, it adds a lot of Dota 2 characters, even Roshan and cheese. The thing I like about it, is Roshan, Tidehunter and cheese, I am also getting the nyancat gun. I think I will get the soda pack because they are just sodas that can heal you, my big brother got more than one thousand health because of the sodas, I will fill a room with sodas of all kinds, coke, pepsi and other stuff like that, if someone hates sodas, do their save game and fill their best room with sodas, it will be really funny. THe END!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Greeks used to fight naked, no armor just swords and other stuff, it was weird they had no armor because armor would protect them a lot ( they actually wore armor but only armor like shoulder armor and helmets, they should make helmets and chest plates because those parts are important, if you get stabbed in the chest you might get stabbed in the heart ) they did not even have pants and it was really gross, but people did not really think it was that gross because they were used to it but it was not so strong but a good thing about that is that you were faster, they did not have helmets that fully covered their heads they had just helmets that cover the top of your head, so they could stab you in the fact but not on top of the head ( well they could break the helmet ).

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was racist and that was bad, he was also the third president of the US ( what is this third you speak of? ). Jefferson died when he was aged eighty three. Jefferson had five children and two of them were named Lucy ( Jefferson really liked the name Lucy because he had two children named that, that is really not common, they might get confused ). Jefferson has a big grave like all other presidents ( don't try digging up his body, his bones might not even be there anymore because he died such a long time ago ). Jefferson was famous because he helped the US a lot and he was also the president of the US ( Presidents are always famous because they are the president but Jefferson was famous for two reason not only for one reason, but it was hard for him to do these stuff.

The federalist party was kinda weird because they said vote for Adams because he is better than you, that does not make any sense because you might be better than him, so they just choose that type of person, the vote for Adams because he is better than you did not work because it was a bad way to vote for a person but some people liked it but most people chose other ones. Jefferson was racist right, so it was kinda bad because he was a president and he had to do a lot of stuff. Jefferson had some slaves but if he was not racist, he would probably not have any slaves, he said he would free them when his wife dies then he did not let them go even when his wife died, so when he died they got freed, that was a bad lie because they wanted to get out.

Thomas Jefferson founded the university of Virgina after he left the presidency. Thomas Jefferson was in the democratic party, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison actually organized the democratic party, so Thomas was not just a member that was a president, he was a person who organized it. Jefferson and Madison both became presidents, Jefferson was the third president and Madison was the fourth president, so both the people who organized the democratic party both became presidents but Madison did not become a vice president but Jefferson was the second vice president. Jefferson made the US two times bigger because he bought some land from Napoleon for fifteen million dollars, it costs a lot but he made the country a lot bigger, it made the country two times bigger, I think a lot of people were happy that Jefferson bought the land, but some people might of been angry that he bought the land but most people are happy.

The two dollar bill has Jefferson and the nickle also has him in it, he appears on it to remember him ( even though he can already remember him because there is a presidents page in the internet ). We don't know everything about Jefferson because we can almost never know everything about someone's live ( well we can know all about someone's if he dies quickly but that does not usually happen ). It was weird before Jefferson bought the other part of America because the French had it and France is a long way to America, the French sold it to America because the French were friends with the Americans and they helped the Americans in the war and stuff, so that is probably the reason why they sold it to the Americans because they really liked them ( or maybe they just wanted all the money, DUN DUN DUN! but that is definitely not the reason )

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dota 2

Once in Dota 2, I activated cheats then I wrote -createhero Roshan as a joke then it actually spawned Roshan, I could control it, but I could not buy any items for him so he was very slow but it was cool, I also wrote -createhero melee creep and it made a melee creep that was in the dire color but it was not attacking the radiant so it would fight for us. I will be Brewmaster today, his ultimate is where he disappears then fire, storm and earth versions of himself appear and later they will disappear and then Brewmaster will appear, my brother will be earthshaker, earthshaker is really good at stunning enemies, if you have an enemy earthshaker it is really annoying, I also could not play PVP because it did not work for some reason :(  but I found out how awesome Brewmaster is so I can be someone that is awesome, I wonder if WTF mode is on it will last forever.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The Mesopotamian people were the first people to write. Writing was found really long ago because the Mesopotamian people were in the world long before you were here, they were smart enough to learn how to write, that is how stupid people in those ages were, it took that long to learn how to write. If you killed someone, you won't be punished, you son will be killed, nothing will happen to you and that is weird right, why the son why not you, they were really mean, it was really weird, it is even worse than killing the father because the dad already had kids, but the child did not have any kids did he, so why don't they kill the father, the child must be really horrified because he has to die when he is young and sometimes he might be really young like five or six years old.

Dota 2!

Tidehunter is really strong, he is just a strong tank. I will wear head-ache, back-ache, naval mine and beast-jaw bludgeoner and all these items costs about two dollars, fifty cents, I think I will have other items, but I am not sure what to get, because I will probably have enough steam money for other stuff, but I am not sure what to buy but I am going to buy something, my brother also bought a dota 2 item set for dragon knight with his extra five dollars in steam, he did not use the money for some reason, he spent it yesterday, he had the five dollars for almost a month or maybe even more than a month. Roshan from dota 2, is weaker than the baron nashor in league of legends, I don't know why but the baron nashor needs about five players to kill but Roshan needs about three players to kill him.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The people who lived in the Indus valley did not fight much, we did not find many weapons were they lived, peaceful people were rare but the Indus valley was one of them. The people who lived in the Indus valley used to trade, people have been trading for a really long time, longer than your life, before your great grandfather was born before, even before your great great great great great grandmother was born and that is about more than three hundred years ago, we were trading a really long time ago, we are even trading right now, some people are trading in steam, real life and in other stuff, trade was really good because you could get what you wanted and the person you traded with would get the thing he wanted but sometimes you can say this thing is really expensive and it isn't and trick someone that is bad so trading is bad and good but it is mostly good.
I might buy back-ache and head-ache if nobody trades with me. I will be batrider today, he is a nuker and I am good with nukers, I like his ultimate, it grabs an enemy with his lasso and he pulls his enemies with it, that is cool right, so I will try doing PVP, I always try it but it never starts up, so I will try starting it up today. I really want the back-ache and the head-ache because they look cool on tidehunter, I really want to find a way to get it easily, so if you have an back-ache and a head-ache that you don't need please give it to be, they are spikes coming out of tidehunter's head and back, for some reason I like it, I have no idea why I want it but I like it. Any way this is the end of my dota 2 post.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

My Steam Account

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pirates, Knights and Vikings 2!

I have this game it is a mod for hl2 ( half life 2 but you do not need to get hl2 ( half life 2 ), there are three teams Pirates, Knights and Vikings, I really want the man-at-arms added soon because they have been saying that they were going to make it a long time ago, I just read the PVK official website it says that they are making a new map with the man-at-arms, my favorite team is the knights but I am really good with the pirates, I am even better with the knights but I usually be pirates because I cannot join knights, I have no idea why I hate the vikings but for some reason I have fun when I am the gestir. THE END!

D0TA 2!!!!!1!!!!1111! and PVK

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I killed Sniper two times with Tusk, I am not sure what walrus PUNCH! does but I think it is strong. I did not get walrus PUNCH! because I could only play for about fifteen minutes. Now for PVK, I will be the vikings I almost never use them but I am good with the gestir and the huskarl, my little brother is strong with the wolf man ( berserker ). The wolf man is so strong with his axe and sword combo, I almost never see a wolf man using his big axe because it is really weak, it is like the sword and shield for the Gestir it is really rare for a person to use it. The Gestir is an strong old man, he just has a huge walking stick with a pointy end on it and he sometimes throws some of them, he doesn't really need the round piece of wood and the sword, he can just use his walking stick.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pirates, Knights and Vikings 2.

I played PVK yesterday and it was fun, me and my big brother's friend were in the same team and we were knights, both of us usually used archers, while my big brother and little brother were fighting each other we were shooting them, I am good with the crossbow that is why I want the man-at-arms to be made because he has a halberd that acts like the heavy knight's great sword, a crossbow that is exactly like the archer's one. I got a really weird achievement called crack rabbit and it says this is how to get it jackrabbits are close cousins of Jack the donkey. I love when Skirmisher says "Is that a metal skirt your wearing?" when he meets the heavy knight. Everyone makes fun of the heavy knight like the Skirmisher, Captain and Sharpshooter, the sharpshooter calls him a ballerina, the skirmisher makes fun of his metal skirt and the captain calls him a iron man that always wants to be clean.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Best Dota 2 Lines

"I Scorch Your Name In The Book Of The Dead."

"I steal your life…someone else already stole your face."

"Hey! Hey! Don't tell nobody, but this one's already in the bag! "

"Hey, you spent my gold on that!"

"I won! No, I won! Shut up! No, you shut up!"

"We won! No, we're on the other side. Oh.  "

"We didn't need--- Shut up and say thank you."

"We got this one in the bag. Where'd you get a bag?"
Stoichiometry has some math in it, like sometimes there is a plus and some other stuff that appear in math but it is not math but without math we could not find out that Stoichiometry even existed, so math is not only good for doing questions like what is one plus one or one million times one thousand five hundred fifty six ( try doing those two questions of course you can do the first one though but you might be a random baby that is looking at random things in the internet but you are not because the babies don't really know what the internet is ) . Stoichiometry was really hard to find out because they had to find out about very complicated math and math took a long time to find out then you have to discover atoms and stuff and that is also really hard to do.

Other chemicals can be combined together to make other chemicals and there is a lot of chemicals and you can make even more by combining chemicals together, Stoichiometry is about chemicals combining to other chemicals to make new chemicals, sometimes combining chemicals is dangerous and it can be more dangerous if you combine two dangerous chemicals together ( Maybe it can be so dangerous to destroy a planet but that won't probably happen and if it does that would be dangerous and a crazy person might destroy the earth and that will be bad ) . We needed to discover chemicals before we could know about Stoichiometry ( always a try in the end of stuff like chemistry and other stuff that are related to it ) because Stoichiometry is about combining chemicals and if we did not know chemicals we could not combine them because we don't know it.

Stoichiometry in Greek means element measure and Stoichiometry is about measuring elements that is why it is called like that and not another weird names in Greek.  ( Most Of The Weird Words In Science Is Usually In Greek But It Is Not Always In Greek But Most Of It Is, Greek Words Sound Weird To People Because They Do Not Know Greek But If You Know Greek It Will Probably Not Sound Weird To You But It Still Can Sound Weird Even If You Understand Greek ). Carbon Dioxide is one carbon connected to two oxygen. There are other stuff with Dioxide at the end of it like Hydrogen dioxide and other elements ( if something has Dioxide at the end of it, that means that there are two oxygen in it because oxide means oxygen and di means two so dioxide has two oxygen in it).

Stoichometry is important in chemistry because we can get new elements by connecting different elements and the new elements might be really amazing or it can just help us a lot but it might be boring and not really do anything also. I am not sure if we found all the elements because you can find more if you connect other elements together, so we might not found all the elements yet, and I think  person says we discovered all the elements is not true. We don't really know because people do not know about everything of the world we might of found almost everything or just a little bit about the world but we are not sure but if we only found a little bit about the world the earth would be very complicated but if we discovered everything about the earth it is only a little bit complicated ( very complicated ).

Stoichiometry took more than one person to discover, and it took a lot of people to discover but it was cool when people discovered it but it was hard to understand. A lot of mistakes were made when they were discovering it, that what makes discovering something annoying because you always have mistakes and sometimes everything that you wrote was wrong and that is the most annoying thing that can happen because everything you wrote is wrong then you will probably get really annoyed, you feel like you wasted all that time on just doing something that is wrong and if you showed it to people then said it was correct later when you find out it is wrong you will have to tell them the thing you wrote is wrong and then you will feel very stupid that sometimes happens to people. Any way this is the end of my chemistry post.

DOTA 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be Lone Druid and I will tell my brother to be Lycanthrope, because Lone Druid can become a bear and Lycanthrope can be a wolf. I think Lone Druid is a werebear but I know that Lycanthrope is a werewolf because he has sharp teeth in his human form. Another cool thing about us is that I can spawn a bear and I can become a bear and Lycanthrope can do the same thing but the bears are wolfs. The good thing is my bear lives until it dies but the wolfs have a time limit, the summoned bear also has more health than the wolfs a lot more health, the bear has about one thousand two hundred health at level one but the wolves have about two hundred health at level one that is a really big difference. Any way this is the end of my post.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dota 2!!!!!!!

I was really good with Tidehunter but the AI bots kept on stealing my kills, I will be nature's prophet he is awesome he can summon treants and they have five hundred fifty health that is a lot of health and one of my attacks teleports me anywhere in the map ( I wont have to waste money for town portal scrolls anymore ). So I did not have an enemy KUNKAA!!! when I was Tidehunter and my brother did not be Slardar, he became tinker and he was good with him, but he stole my kills sometimes, I was one of the only melee guys in my team that is why everyone stole my kills, the other melee guy was my big bro, he became Spectre and he says that she ( yes she ) is really good at stealing kills. DUN WITH BLOG NOW GO AWAY!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dota 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Boar God's Honor Set.png
The Boar God's Honor Set
I got seven kills in Dota 2 yesterday four with razor in one round and three with skeleton king in another round. I will be Juggernaut at the second round I do and if I am good with him, I will get the item set for him called the boar god's honor set, Juggernaut is awesome I like his mask. I will be tidehunter for the for the first round because I am better at dota so I will try him again ( I need to fight an enemy Kunkka because if I get killed by him I will scream out KUNKKAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ). Any way this is the end of my post.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Sven model.png
Razor model.png
Chaos Knight model.png
Chaos Knight
I am really good with Razor and with him I got first blood! We had an enemy Chaos Knight and he was so tough, so my little brother is going to be him. I think if all of us go on the same lane we will be strong, but I am not sure if my little brother that is using Chaos Knight is strong tough. Best line of Chaos Knight "You taught your horse to fly?" Best line of sven "Not omelet, Armlet!" Best line of Razor "I scorch your name in the Book of the Dead." I always buy really good items with Razor I am not sure about my big brother but my little brother buys simple stuff I buy the ring of basilius, the drum of endurance, satanic and the ring of health. My little brother likes the courier for some reason, he just loves him he calls the courier his little buddy.