A skeleton holds up your body so if you did not have that you would be a blob. Some animals have exoskeletons, they are like bones that is covering you and the animals that have exoskeletons actually make a new exoskeleton and come out of the old one and that is called shedding. Most insects have an exoskeleton. You can see a picture of a discarded exoskeleton of a dragonfly nymph. You can see a picture of a cicada shedding it's skin, my brother once found a discarded cicada skin before that was stuck on a tree because they are normally on a tree. Did you know that if you try putting a discarded cicada exoskeleton on your shirt it will stick for a while because of it's sharp legs? It is weird that the cicada is so big when it comes out of the tiny exoskeleton. Discarded exoskeleton can be broken easily.
A cicada shedding it's skin |
There are a lot of bones in the body, some are very useful like the rib cage because it protects the heart, but your lungs do not get that many air but they still have enough. I think that it would be better if your lungs were not close to the heart, it would be better if it was in a different place to get more air. Bones also help muscles because they hold them up and you need muscles to move but I am not going to talk about muscles because the next biology blog is about muscles. The female pelvis is bigger than the male pelvis. The longest bone in your body is the femur, it is a leg bone, it is the part that connects your leg to the pelvis. The femur is also the strongest bone in your body and it is also the heaviest, that's how amazing femur is.
A polar bear has a little bit bigger skull than a grisly bear, it is for swimming better but they are still almost the same. And did you know they are almost the same because if you put a polar bear in a area that has no snow it will slowly become brown. Did you also know that there is an ear bones, there are three, they are called the malleus, incus, and the stapes they are all tiny like the ear. The ear bones are small because your ear is small. The human body has more than one hundred, this is how many an adult human has, it is a lot, any way this is how many, two hundred six that is a lot of bones but that is only the human. Most animals have a little bit less than us but still little mammals also have a lot of bones.
A Discarded Exoskeleton |
Most mammals have a penis bone except for humans, spider, monkeys, dolphins, whales and a little bit more. This is what the penis bone is called the "baculum" and this is the list of animals that have it: walrus, dogs, seals, sea lions, otters and many more, us humans, we have skin and mussels on our penis and you can see a walrus penis bone in a picture. It is really big for a penis bone and you can also see a picture right next to the walrus penis bone that is a dog penis bone and a racoons penis bone, the one with the grey background is the walrus penis bone but it is really bigger than that and the dog one has the green background and the red background is the raccoon one. Remember this not everyone has this bone only the males have them.
A rhino skull is good for fighting of predator because it is big and it can whack a predator away but if it had a small skull it would not survive easily. Horns are bones and they are really good for protection because if there is a predator trying to eat a animal with horns they will attack it with their horns. There is a thing that is like a horn but it is not a horn and they are called antlers they are only found on some male animals but some male animals have horns some female animals have horns also but the antlers can never be on a female. Antlers has branches they are called branches because they look like tree branches that is why they are called it and they are also the same color, when animals with antlers that is a baby and it is a male it will have tiny antlers.
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