Wednesday, November 28, 2012
More Mobs minecraft mod and mushroom war
This mod adds a lot of new mobs like rabbits, lions, knights, endercube, endPC, endead, lumberjack and a lot of animals, monsters and humans. This makes the end world much harder because there are endead, endercube, crender and sprenders. Endead acts like zombie because they are the end version of them, while endercubes are like magma cubes but from the end. Crenders acts like the most famous monster which is the creeper and it also explodes. Sprenders act like slimes but with an end version also. Now I am going to talk about the mushroom wars: it adds brown mushrooms, red mushroom people, brown mushroom people, red kashroom, brown kashroom, brown mushroom king and red mushroom king. They also add a red mushroom kingdom and a brown mushroom kingdom in it.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Minecraft ROBO and scp mod
This mod is a mod that adds a place were the ground, trees are made out
of metal, robots also spawn in there and they are all nice but if you
hit some of the robots it will attack you and one can kill you in one
hit so do not try to hit them, any way time to talk about the scp mod.
The scp mod is really cool because it adds scps like scp-106, 173 and
more I really like playing with 173 because I start blinking then he
gets closer and closer then he kills me, but I do not like 106 because
he can go through walls, do not look at his scp page because it is
creepy, I scared my friend by showing him 106's page any way I like
playing with the crystal I forgot which scp it was but it keeps on
spreading I like standing on the crystal because I get frozen and then I
die any way this is the end of my blog
Monday, November 26, 2012
Minecraft mods!2!32@!@!#3!@21_)@!
This is about minecraft mods. The first minecraft mod is called animal bikes, it makes a thing that spawns rideable, cool right?. So you can ride a dragon, snow golem and a lot of other things even pigs, also the animals that were not created by the creator of minecraft, like reindeer that can fly awesome right? But the dragon can fly and breath out fire so the dragon is dangerous. There are more than ten animals that you can ride in this mod. I am going to race with my little brother and big brother with this mod, my little bro is going to ride a dragon while my big bro is going to ride a chocobo and I am going to ride a reindeer. It is going to be a really cool race. Any way this is the end of my post.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Spiral knights and Minecraft
I got the latest update for the SCP mod on Minecraft , I tried spawning SCP-106 and he just kept on following me, he makes creepy noises but they are not that scary. One of my favorite SCPs in that mod is SCP-789-J, you can actually ride it and it will make a sound randomly, the sound is a deep voice saying "I am the butt ghost, I will eat your butt.". Any way time to talk about spiral knights. I finally got the owlite shield, now I can resist fire and shock damage, my least favorite types of attacks that enemies use. I should get the pulsar because it has shock damage and it is also really fast. Anyway this is the end of my post.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Spiral knights!@#!ghjs
I found out at spiral knights one gemlin, is selling pets, bad thing you can only get them for only about four days! each year, also the pets cost more than one hundred thousand, I'm serious, I want a chroma pet but it costs too much, any way time to talk about other stuff I did not get the owlite shield yet, my friend wanted to play with me in spiral knights so we did the mission Shocking Sentient Sentries and it was a little bit hard and my younger brother also joined and he was the worst because his rank was, rank 2-2, so he died so many times he made me waist all my energy because he kept on saying revive me, I had to because everyone forced me to, he always follows us around and when I say split up he always follows me, weird right, he just ran away from two, tier two gun puppies and he never uses his shield and I almost always use my shield and there was a tier two rocket puppy and it had following missiles and my brother just when close to it and attacked it and then he died, but me and my friend used guns to defeat it my brother almost always uses his sword he never uses shield, guns and bombs, he only likes charging, any way this is the end of my blog.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Japan was scattered and feudal until the sixteen century. The samurais were like overloads and they could do anything except for killing the people higher than them, but they could kill the people that were lower than them that is horrible right good thing they don't do that anymore, samurais could do anything to the people that were lower than them, they could even steal your things, if you said something bad about the samurai and you are lower than them and they hear you say that they could just kill you, they could even cut of your head for fun, that is really horrible, but the people that were higher than the samurai were happy because they are not the lower people and they would not want to be like the lower people.
Samurais were also very dangerous because they had swords, bows and armor, they had good protection because of their armor but they also had guns but the guns were good but not that good, samurais had a lot of dangerous weapons because they had lot's of different swords, bows, spears, the bows they had were actually the biggest bows in the world, the bow is called the yumi, the samurais were dangerous because if a stranger came to their land they could just kill him if they want to, those days were really weird, people that were lower than the samurais must of been terrified because they might of been killed by them, the higher people did not really care about the lower people, the old days were horrible, in some countries. The samurais had a lot of different swords, some were long and some were short, there were more than ten swords.
Samurais were not so nice to strangers because if they step on their land they have to kill them because they might attack or steal from them, so if any outsider came in they would kill them with their weapons, that is horrible right, but that is what they did that is horrible rules right, who ever made that rule was a terrible rule maker, because, the people that are not from their land comes in might be nice but they still kill them if they step on one bit of their land they will kill them, they don't really care about the people that are from the place, they just care about the people at their place, they killed the people that went on the land because they think they will steal their land from then or kill someone in the place or something else that is bad.
Some of the weapons that the samurai have are from other countries like the tanegashima, it is a firearm that they got by trading with the Portuguese, they wanted it because well you know, because firearms are strong, but you have to reload them and old guns have to reload almost all the time and while you reload you might get killed by another person, there is a weapon called hachiwara and hachiwara in Japanese means helmet breaker or skull breaker, it was used for a weapon, like almost everything I talk about, it looks like a sword because it is one, you can see a picture of it. The sword is not the only sharp thing the samurais had they also had daggers, but swords are stronger but the daggers are easier to carry and if you drop your sword you can just use your dagger. Katanas are sharp swords that are very thin, you properly heard of it.
The samurai were never nice, they were only nice to well you know the guys that are a higher rank than them, it was really hard to defeat the samurai because they have different weapons like some have far ranged weapons and some have close range so if you go back the guys that are far range can kill you and if you charge the close range guys could kill you, they would never let someone that are from another place touch their land, even if the guys are going to be nice or trying to sell something to them, they will kill you, they have really bad rules, someone that is not nice made those rules, even if you accidentally step on the land they will kill you, now nobody will kill you if you accidentally step on their land. Any way this is the end of my blog
Samurais were also very dangerous because they had swords, bows and armor, they had good protection because of their armor but they also had guns but the guns were good but not that good, samurais had a lot of dangerous weapons because they had lot's of different swords, bows, spears, the bows they had were actually the biggest bows in the world, the bow is called the yumi, the samurais were dangerous because if a stranger came to their land they could just kill him if they want to, those days were really weird, people that were lower than the samurais must of been terrified because they might of been killed by them, the higher people did not really care about the lower people, the old days were horrible, in some countries. The samurais had a lot of different swords, some were long and some were short, there were more than ten swords.
Samurais were not so nice to strangers because if they step on their land they have to kill them because they might attack or steal from them, so if any outsider came in they would kill them with their weapons, that is horrible right, but that is what they did that is horrible rules right, who ever made that rule was a terrible rule maker, because, the people that are not from their land comes in might be nice but they still kill them if they step on one bit of their land they will kill them, they don't really care about the people that are from the place, they just care about the people at their place, they killed the people that went on the land because they think they will steal their land from then or kill someone in the place or something else that is bad.
Some of the weapons that the samurai have are from other countries like the tanegashima, it is a firearm that they got by trading with the Portuguese, they wanted it because well you know, because firearms are strong, but you have to reload them and old guns have to reload almost all the time and while you reload you might get killed by another person, there is a weapon called hachiwara and hachiwara in Japanese means helmet breaker or skull breaker, it was used for a weapon, like almost everything I talk about, it looks like a sword because it is one, you can see a picture of it. The sword is not the only sharp thing the samurais had they also had daggers, but swords are stronger but the daggers are easier to carry and if you drop your sword you can just use your dagger. Katanas are sharp swords that are very thin, you properly heard of it.
The samurai were never nice, they were only nice to well you know the guys that are a higher rank than them, it was really hard to defeat the samurai because they have different weapons like some have far ranged weapons and some have close range so if you go back the guys that are far range can kill you and if you charge the close range guys could kill you, they would never let someone that are from another place touch their land, even if the guys are going to be nice or trying to sell something to them, they will kill you, they have really bad rules, someone that is not nice made those rules, even if you accidentally step on the land they will kill you, now nobody will kill you if you accidentally step on their land. Any way this is the end of my blog
Spiral knights!@!#$!(@)!*@)!)(@*)!*@*_!(@)_*&&&))&#%(@(^!
Owlite shield |
Grey owlite shield |
Magic set (this guy is not me) |
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
What I did yesterday in spiral knights
Tier 2 wolver |
Tier 2 ash tail |
Tier 2 alpha ash tail |
Tier 2 rabid wolver |
Tier 2 salamander |
Tier 2 virulisk |
Tier 2 sick puppy |
Tier 2 vilewood |
Silkwing |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Spiral knights enemies that I met
This blog is about the spiral knights enemies that I met and we are going to start with the jelly cube, jelly cubes are very weak and they are the first enemy you fight in spiral knights. Now to talk about the second monster it is not the second monster you meet you meet it much later it is the blast cube. Blast cubes are also a type of jelly, they act like jelly cubes but when they die, they explode, they look like blast blocks. The next enemy we are going to talk about is the super blast cube it does the same thing as the blast cube, when it dies it explodes but after it explodes it leaves red crystals then they explode. Any way time for the next monster, the next monster is not a type of jelly cube, I talk about too many jelly cubes, I am going to talk about a dust zombie, dust zombies normally appear at grave yards and they are really weak but they come in groups of four or five, there is also a totem pole that has a circle around it and if a zombie dies in the circle it will leave a skull and then they totem pole thing will make the circle flash and then they skulls will become zombies again.
Now we are going to talk about a monster called the devilite it throws office supplies at you, they are really annoying because they have far ranged attacks and my far ranged attacks are super weak, any way time for the next enemy the next enemy I am going to talk about is the deadnaught it looks like a zombie but it as armor and it also has a circle like the totem pole and if a zombie dies in the circle, it will become into a skull like the totem pole and then it revives the zombies so if you are fighting a deadnaught and a lot of zombies you should kill the deadnaught first then the zombies, add me on spiral knights or steam, my name is killerloveskilling on spiral knights, on steam my name is teh_freeman3, any way this is the end of my blog
deadnaught |
devilites |
dust zombie |
super blast cube |
jelly cube |
blast cube |
The Reproductive System
We are going to talk about the reproductive system, it is the system that makes you alive, because it makes people reproduce and make more people, more everyday people get born because there is more than a million people in the world, even more than two million people in the world, but the population almost always stays the same amount because every second babies are being born and people are dieing, all the animals in the world need to reproduce because if they don't they will become extinct, if there was no reproduction nobody would be alive, plants would also not be there because plants also have to reproduce, they can reproduce by having flowers then they bee will pollinate the flower and will pollinate the other flower then they will reproduce another way they reproduce is the tree produces pollen and then it will go to the other trees.
The reproductive system, all of the animals reproduce because if they do not well you know what happens, the animal becomes extinct, even insects, arachnids and fish reproduce, some animals have eggs and take care of the eggs then it hatches or they can stay inside the mothers tummy until they come out, it is like it is a egg inside the mothers tummy and the egg hatches in the tummy. All mammals do not have eggs but one type of mammal has eggs, it is the platypus, weird right. The reproductive system makes everything because if it didn't have a reproductive system there would nothing on this planet would be like a desert because there would be no plants and no animals, there would also be no air because there is no plants, it would be like the other planets in this solar system, that is why we are lucky we have a reproductive system.
If there is no reproductive system the planet would look like earth but all of the islands would be like a desert because without reproducing, there would be not plants and animals on the planet and the plants makes the earth look green, if there are no plants, all of the islands would be brown because of the soil, so that why the reproductive system is good because it makes the earth look a lot better and it makes you and me and other animals alive, it makes everything alive, the reproductive system is really good because it makes everything, plants, air, animals, even buildings because humans make houses and humans are made by other humans because of the reproductive system, if there is no reproductive system there would still be coral in the earth because they do not mate they spawn in places, instead of mating but they are still counted as animals.
The reproductive system makes thing that are alive make more of themselves and the more of themselves are their kids. Female mammals all feed their babies with their milk, sperm whales and dolphins also feed milk to their babies, because it helps the baby's body, kangaroos feed babies with milk in their pouch, it is also good because the kangaroo doesn't need to hold the baby while it walks because the baby is in the mother's pouch and the baby can also get milk at the same time, if there is a new born kangaroo baby it will be put in the mother's pouch so it stays in there in most of it's childhood, it only goes out learn walking to know how to talk when it is older, you can see a picture of a new born kangaroo getting fed milk by it's mother, the reproductive system makes anything that is created by a human real.
The reproductive system is great because it makes everything alive, everything fun, because if there was no reproductive system there would be no feelings and you would not be alive nothing will be alive you would not know what dirt would feel like if the reproductive system was not real, you could not feel what feeling is like because you would not be alive, so it would be horrible because none of your friends, family, pets and you would not be alive without the reproductive system, so you are lucky that the reproductive system is real because you can actually live a life and survive if reproductive system was not real you would not be here and you would not be reading this blog and this blog would not be made, the machine you are reading this on will also not be real. Anyway this is the end of my blog.
The reproductive system, all of the animals reproduce because if they do not well you know what happens, the animal becomes extinct, even insects, arachnids and fish reproduce, some animals have eggs and take care of the eggs then it hatches or they can stay inside the mothers tummy until they come out, it is like it is a egg inside the mothers tummy and the egg hatches in the tummy. All mammals do not have eggs but one type of mammal has eggs, it is the platypus, weird right. The reproductive system makes everything because if it didn't have a reproductive system there would nothing on this planet would be like a desert because there would be no plants and no animals, there would also be no air because there is no plants, it would be like the other planets in this solar system, that is why we are lucky we have a reproductive system.
If there is no reproductive system the planet would look like earth but all of the islands would be like a desert because without reproducing, there would be not plants and animals on the planet and the plants makes the earth look green, if there are no plants, all of the islands would be brown because of the soil, so that why the reproductive system is good because it makes the earth look a lot better and it makes you and me and other animals alive, it makes everything alive, the reproductive system is really good because it makes everything, plants, air, animals, even buildings because humans make houses and humans are made by other humans because of the reproductive system, if there is no reproductive system there would still be coral in the earth because they do not mate they spawn in places, instead of mating but they are still counted as animals.
The reproductive system is great because it makes everything alive, everything fun, because if there was no reproductive system there would be no feelings and you would not be alive nothing will be alive you would not know what dirt would feel like if the reproductive system was not real, you could not feel what feeling is like because you would not be alive, so it would be horrible because none of your friends, family, pets and you would not be alive without the reproductive system, so you are lucky that the reproductive system is real because you can actually live a life and survive if reproductive system was not real you would not be here and you would not be reading this blog and this blog would not be made, the machine you are reading this on will also not be real. Anyway this is the end of my blog.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Endocrine system
There are a lot of glands in the endocrine system so you can do a lot of stuff. We are now going to talk about the thyroid gland, it is one of the biggest endocrine glands, it is found in the neck below the Adam's apple or the thyroid cartilage. The thyroid gland controls how you use your energy, did you know that the thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly. All the animals that have bones have a thyroid glands like fish, dogs and sharks. It is time to talk about hypothalamus, it is on top of the brain stem and below the thalamus. It is about a size of a almond that is really small but most of the glands are that small because they don't need to be so big. The hypothalamus responses to stress and autonomic inputs and some other stuff. The hypothalamus is responsible for certain metabolic processes.
We are now going to talk about the pineal gland, it is at the middle of the brain between the two hemispheres tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. and it is very small like all of the glands but it is one of the smallest. It is about the size of a rice grain, it is the shaped like a pine cone but smaller than one. There are a lot of names for this gland these are the other names of the glands they are the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the third eye. It is colored reddish grey, it also affects the modulation of waking and sleeping patterns, the pineal gland is often seen in skull X-rays, you can see a picture showing the pineal gland in the middle of the brain because that is were it is found in like I said before.
We are now going to talk about the parathyroid glands, there are four or more parathyroid glands and they are found the neck, it is very close to the thyroid gland. It is about the size of a rice grain like the gland we we talk about before the pineal gland. The two parathyroid glands at the top are called the superior parathyroid glands and the two parathyroid glands in the bottom is called inferior parathyroid glands. Some people may have six, eight, or even more parathyroid glands. Parathyroid glands control the number of calcium in the blood and within the bones. All animals that are adults and have four limbs have the parathyroid glands. The parathyroid glands were first discovered in the year eighteen fifty that is a long time ago. The parathyroid glands weigh about twenty five milligrams and forty milligrams in humans and that is very light.
We are now going to talk about the adrenal glands, it is two inches long, it is one of the smallest glands in a human body, it is only found in mammals, they are found above the kidneys, there are two adrenal glands they are above both of the kidneys. The weight of the adrenal glands in an adult human is seven to ten grams and that is very light all of the glands are very light because they are small. The adrenal glands are shaped like a triangle. The adrenal glands are the ones who really responses for the release of hormones in response to stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. They also produce androgens. The adrenal glands affect kidney function through the secretion of aldosterone, a hormone involved in regulating the osmolarity of blood plasma. Any way this is the end of my blog.
Capitalism is a system of economics in which money and business are controlled by capitalists. First let's talk about production, production is the act of creating output (numbers of goods or services produced in a given time period), the input used in production plus the result of output production is called production function. In the most of capitalism you need to rely on machines and technology because your work will be easier and faster. If you don't use machines you will produce lesser outputs. If you use machines with everything your work will be easier for the workers in a business. Capitalism is all about businesses and how it runs. Capitalism helps you get more money if you use the system properly but if you don't use it properly sometimes the business fails and all the workers will not have any more jobs and the economy will drop a little bit.
People traded a lot in capitalism because people would get what they would want. In when capitalism was made most of the people in the world were not farmers and about twenty five percent of the people were farmers but now even less people are farmers. Capitalism created work and then you can get money by working and then you could just keep on working and then you could have enough money to buy food and drinks so you can survive and you could also buy a place to live in. Before capitalism was invented it was really hard to get money because there were no jobs and you had to trade to get more stuff and some people would not like to trade with you and some people would that is the problem that they sometimes say no that is why money is better because you will buy stuff and then the person will get more money and then they buy more stuff and that keeps on going and going and going.
Trading was hard because you might have to go to another country to get the thing you really want and when you are trying to travel there, you might die of something or you might get a sickness from the guy you traded with. That is what happened in the silk road trade almost everybody got some sickness from trading, the sickness that almost everyone got was the black death and that is a very horrible sickness, but now they created money and that is a lot better than trading because everybody will get what they want and you won't get sicknesses easily. If the person is from another country they can just order it but you cannot do that with trading you have to go all the way to the country the person lives in and then trade with him that is why I am happy they created money.
Capitalism made money useful because it created jobs and it also created stores because almost everyone got money and instead of making food by yourself they will just bought food because it is much easier to do, but you will waste some money .You will still live and the person you bought it from has some more money then they buy something from another person and this keeps on going on and on. If you waste too many money you might die so you should not waste that many money, in the old days food was hard to get because you had to farm them or trade with someone. If you farm plants it is pretty hard because they might get rotten, the plant might die or an animal might eat it or eat some of it, farming plants is also hard because they might not grow if you plant the seed.
Capitalism made everything a lot easier than before because it made money and it was easier to get money than farming animals or plants because well the animals and plants might die, before capitalism houses were really hard to get one of the only ways to get a house was to make your own or by trading something both of those are hard because if you want to get a house by trading you must give the person a lot of stuff, making a house is hard because you have to get a lot of stuff to make a house but then they created money then you just had to work somewhere and save up money too buy it that is why capitalism is good because it made everything a lot easier than normal because you just need too work enough to get something. Any way this is the end of my blog.
People traded a lot in capitalism because people would get what they would want. In when capitalism was made most of the people in the world were not farmers and about twenty five percent of the people were farmers but now even less people are farmers. Capitalism created work and then you can get money by working and then you could just keep on working and then you could have enough money to buy food and drinks so you can survive and you could also buy a place to live in. Before capitalism was invented it was really hard to get money because there were no jobs and you had to trade to get more stuff and some people would not like to trade with you and some people would that is the problem that they sometimes say no that is why money is better because you will buy stuff and then the person will get more money and then they buy more stuff and that keeps on going and going and going.
Trading was hard because you might have to go to another country to get the thing you really want and when you are trying to travel there, you might die of something or you might get a sickness from the guy you traded with. That is what happened in the silk road trade almost everybody got some sickness from trading, the sickness that almost everyone got was the black death and that is a very horrible sickness, but now they created money and that is a lot better than trading because everybody will get what they want and you won't get sicknesses easily. If the person is from another country they can just order it but you cannot do that with trading you have to go all the way to the country the person lives in and then trade with him that is why I am happy they created money.
Capitalism made money useful because it created jobs and it also created stores because almost everyone got money and instead of making food by yourself they will just bought food because it is much easier to do, but you will waste some money .You will still live and the person you bought it from has some more money then they buy something from another person and this keeps on going on and on. If you waste too many money you might die so you should not waste that many money, in the old days food was hard to get because you had to farm them or trade with someone. If you farm plants it is pretty hard because they might get rotten, the plant might die or an animal might eat it or eat some of it, farming plants is also hard because they might not grow if you plant the seed.
Capitalism made everything a lot easier than before because it made money and it was easier to get money than farming animals or plants because well the animals and plants might die, before capitalism houses were really hard to get one of the only ways to get a house was to make your own or by trading something both of those are hard because if you want to get a house by trading you must give the person a lot of stuff, making a house is hard because you have to get a lot of stuff to make a house but then they created money then you just had to work somewhere and save up money too buy it that is why capitalism is good because it made everything a lot easier than normal because you just need too work enough to get something. Any way this is the end of my blog.
Spiral knights
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Minecraft mods
This blog is about Minecraft mods, the first mod we are going to talk about is Asian food, this mod adds some Asian food there are more than twenty food you can make, anyway time for the download link click me! if you want to download, any way can someone help cannot upload a skin on planetminecraft it says Uploading temporarily disabled. Duration: 9 years, 8 months, 2 days, 3 hours, 10 minutes left that is so long I don't think I will even play minecraft when I am that old!. Anyway time for more mods the next mod taking so long to load, finally it loaded, the mod is pre-historic mod you can go into a time machine and fight dinosaurs and be careful of the velociraptors they look cute but they attack you on sight they appear at night they are also very strong but if you kill it you can get a velociraptor claw and you can make a powerful dagger out of it.
Minecraft save games
This blog is about the top minecraft save games the first one is hillside manor, there are a lot of great places like a pyramid and a desert village and lot's of other stuff, it is a huge map created by a player, it is rated more than one thousand people it is one of the best save games in this website click here. Time for the next save, if you love 3D art you will love this because it is a giant meteorite hitting the ground it is very cool it is took a long time for a player to make this because it is huge any way click here to download it. The next save game is a lot of floating little islands and there is also a flying dragon that is huge this also was really hard to make anyway click me to download. Any way the next one is just a huge skyrim dragon, it is a dragon made out of glowstone and stone click me to download any way this is the end of my blog.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Minecraft Skins, Texture Packs And Maps
The first thing is a texture pack it is a modern styled texture pack and it is really realistic, it is really cool it is the top texture pack on the website right now click here to download. The next thing is a skin it is called the Cruciatus it is a cool robot suit click here to download. The next thing is a mod it adds a herobrine, a herobrine was a removed monster it was just a normal player with white eyes and it keeps on following you and trying to kill you and if you look at it, it disappears you can only see it for half of a second, it is very dangerous it is like a player using creative because he has all the items he sometimes makes lava, he sometimes attacks you, he even can kill you when you are asleep it was removed because it was so dangerous but that mod adds it again and I will never get it because I hate herobrines anyway click here to download.
The next thing I am going to talk about is a save game it is called the great cheese it is were you are in a house and you are a size of a mouse there are a lot of rooms and there is also a doll house and a train set to live in but there is also a place were there is a TV and it is showing the main menu of minecraft it is really hard to go to another room because you are so small it is really cool click here. any way time for one of my favorite texture packs it is a texture pack that is called sphax pureBDcraft it is one of the top minecraft texture packs, The villagers look really cool because you cannot see their face because they are wearing a hood and they don't have a big nose, you need the HD texture pack fix to get it click here to download.
The next thing is a skin it is called OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE click here to download. The next minecraft thing is a save game and it is a giant OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE pixel art, it also has a note block song, any way time to stop putting on OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE. Time to talk about mods, the mod I am going to talk about is the aether mod it adds a sky dimension and there are a lot of stuff and pigs in the aether have wings, also cows, But there are also bad animals like moas they will shoot poison darts at you they are very dangerous, there are also new stuff like gloves and a lot of other stuff like three new bosses but the first one appears at the bronze dungeon and it is very easy but then you have to go the silver dungeon and it has a harder boss and then you have to go to the hardest, the hardest is the fire boss click here to download. Any way this is the end of my blog.
The next thing I am going to talk about is a save game it is called the great cheese it is were you are in a house and you are a size of a mouse there are a lot of rooms and there is also a doll house and a train set to live in but there is also a place were there is a TV and it is showing the main menu of minecraft it is really hard to go to another room because you are so small it is really cool click here. any way time for one of my favorite texture packs it is a texture pack that is called sphax pureBDcraft it is one of the top minecraft texture packs, The villagers look really cool because you cannot see their face because they are wearing a hood and they don't have a big nose, you need the HD texture pack fix to get it click here to download.
The next thing is a skin it is called OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE click here to download. The next minecraft thing is a save game and it is a giant OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE pixel art, it also has a note block song, any way time to stop putting on OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE. Time to talk about mods, the mod I am going to talk about is the aether mod it adds a sky dimension and there are a lot of stuff and pigs in the aether have wings, also cows, But there are also bad animals like moas they will shoot poison darts at you they are very dangerous, there are also new stuff like gloves and a lot of other stuff like three new bosses but the first one appears at the bronze dungeon and it is very easy but then you have to go the silver dungeon and it has a harder boss and then you have to go to the hardest, the hardest is the fire boss click here to download. Any way this is the end of my blog.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The industrial revolution
This post is about the industrial revolution. Almost everything was powered by steam in the industrial revolution because they did not know about electricity yet. The industrial revolution started at the year seventeen-fifty and it ended at the year eighteen-fifty so the industrial revolution was about one hundred years long and usually the revolutions we talk about are that long but some are shorter or longer. Everybody loved coal in the industrial revolution because they needed it to power the steam powered stuff and almost everything was steam powered and in those days some people became miners to mine for coal and then they power the steam powered stuff, a lot of people went mining those days but now we don't because we have electricity and it is a lot better than steam powered stuff, also in those days they like making iron.
Before the steam engine was made they had to power stuff with water and it was easier to get than coal because water was everywhere and coal is harder to get because you have to mine it and then they have to do some stuff with it and then . The industrial revolution started at Europe, in the country Great Britain. All the people were amazed because of the steam engine in the industrial revolution. They made trains in the industrial revolution and they were powered by steam and they also made steam powered boats and they were also powered by steam because they have it on their name. The steam powered stuff are a little bit complicated because you have to do a lot of stuff to make it work like one of the stuff is getting coal and you also need metal for steam powered stuff to make steam powered stuff.
The industrial revolution was more than one hundred years ago that was really long ago, it is actually more than two hundred years ago, that before when you and me and everybody alive was born. The steam powered stuff were amazing because it has one of the first things that could power stuff that can make you faster like a boat and a train but they did not create cars those days because they did not have the stuff to make it and they didn't know what a car was in those days. It is hard work to power a steam powered thing because you have to get coal by mining and that takes a long time to do because you have to mine it with a pick axe or something and you try braking some stones with a thing that is like a pickaxe that is easy to do but it is hard if there is a lot.
Nothing was faster than a horse before but the industrial revolution changed that because they made well you know steam powered vehicles. Almost everyone was farming in the industrial revolution but at these days almost no one farms in some countries. Railways were also created in the industrial revolution because trains were made but they had to make the railways first then the train because the trains could not move without the railways. steam boats were great because in those days you could not travel in the water that easily because you have to learn how to swim and you cannot travel that fast by swimming and you will get tried but if you ride a boat you just need to ride a boat and you will not get tired because you are riding a boat because you just need to know how to control it and then you can go far.
Before they could not make weapons that could kill a lot of people at once because they did not know much about anything, but we slowly became smarter and smarter then we could create more stuff that are much better than the stuff that were in the old days. The industrial revolution created the first vehicles that were powered by something, like the steam boat and the train, most trains these days are still steam powered but some are not some are electric, electric trains are much easier to use because steam powered trains need coal but electric trains don't they need electricity but both of the trains need a driver, most boats these days are powered by gas, there are almost no steam powered boats anymore because they were harder to use than a gas powered boat and gas powered boats were faster. Anyway this is the end of my blog
Before the steam engine was made they had to power stuff with water and it was easier to get than coal because water was everywhere and coal is harder to get because you have to mine it and then they have to do some stuff with it and then . The industrial revolution started at Europe, in the country Great Britain. All the people were amazed because of the steam engine in the industrial revolution. They made trains in the industrial revolution and they were powered by steam and they also made steam powered boats and they were also powered by steam because they have it on their name. The steam powered stuff are a little bit complicated because you have to do a lot of stuff to make it work like one of the stuff is getting coal and you also need metal for steam powered stuff to make steam powered stuff.
The industrial revolution was more than one hundred years ago that was really long ago, it is actually more than two hundred years ago, that before when you and me and everybody alive was born. The steam powered stuff were amazing because it has one of the first things that could power stuff that can make you faster like a boat and a train but they did not create cars those days because they did not have the stuff to make it and they didn't know what a car was in those days. It is hard work to power a steam powered thing because you have to get coal by mining and that takes a long time to do because you have to mine it with a pick axe or something and you try braking some stones with a thing that is like a pickaxe that is easy to do but it is hard if there is a lot.
Nothing was faster than a horse before but the industrial revolution changed that because they made well you know steam powered vehicles. Almost everyone was farming in the industrial revolution but at these days almost no one farms in some countries. Railways were also created in the industrial revolution because trains were made but they had to make the railways first then the train because the trains could not move without the railways. steam boats were great because in those days you could not travel in the water that easily because you have to learn how to swim and you cannot travel that fast by swimming and you will get tried but if you ride a boat you just need to ride a boat and you will not get tired because you are riding a boat because you just need to know how to control it and then you can go far.
Before they could not make weapons that could kill a lot of people at once because they did not know much about anything, but we slowly became smarter and smarter then we could create more stuff that are much better than the stuff that were in the old days. The industrial revolution created the first vehicles that were powered by something, like the steam boat and the train, most trains these days are still steam powered but some are not some are electric, electric trains are much easier to use because steam powered trains need coal but electric trains don't they need electricity but both of the trains need a driver, most boats these days are powered by gas, there are almost no steam powered boats anymore because they were harder to use than a gas powered boat and gas powered boats were faster. Anyway this is the end of my blog
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Immune system
This post is about the immune system, if you do not have it you would die easily because if you have an illness you would die because you do not have an immune system so that is why we have an immune system. The immune system helps you live longer but your immune system cannot always save your life, it can sometimes lose against some sicknesses, if your immune system is not strong enough you can drink medicine and then the medicine kills some part of the sickness and then the immune system fights the sickness again and then your body will win but some sicknesses cannot be killed by the body so you just drink medicine then you might get cured but you might not get cured. All animals have immune systems, even plants have immune systems, some animals have different types of immune systems, even bugs have immune systems.
Cancer is not a sickness it is a problem with the immune system, one of the cells become a cancer cell and cancer cells think that normal cells are enemies and then they attack them, then the cancer cell multiplies then more cancer cells appear then they kill more cells and they multiples more and it keeps happening again until you die, cancer is very common but a kid having cancer is very uncommon, cancer is like a sickness for cells but it isn't, bone cancer does this it makes your bones very weak and if you hit a tree and you have bone cancer your bone might brake. Sneezing is part of you immune system because if something that is not supposed to go in your system it will sneeze it out. Inflammation is one of the first responses of your immune system against bacteria, if you have a cut and bacteria goes inside it will swell, becomes red, it would feel kinda hot and painful.
You have an immune system because there are a lot of bacteria in the world they are all around you in your house, in the ocean, outside,even in your body, in your friend's body and in your pet's body it is in every body, it is everywhere. If you did not have a immune system you would feel terrible if you have a sickness and you would die even if it was a really weak sickness you would die because you would not have an immune system. White blood cells are the cells that fight the bacteria and they are part of the immune system, they are everywhere in your body they protect all the parts of your body, the place where with the most white blood cells are the bones because they create white blood cells, there are a lot of white blood cells there are more than thousands.
The common sicknesses can be defended by our immune system, most common sicknesses can be killed easily if your immune system is strong, if you want to make your immune system strong you must have enough sleep, have a proper diet and exercise more often. Stress will weaken your immune system, alcohol reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs so you will have more chances of getting sicknesses. If you get fat your immune system will also get weak because it can affect the ability of white blood cells to multiply, produce antibodies, and prevent inflammation. Likewise if you take too much medicine because you will be resistant to the antibiotic or other medicines and so it will not affect bacteria or viruses because you will be needing a higher dose. If you are too dehydrated your immune system will not work properly because water helps our body to get rid of the bacteria.
There are hundreds of sicknesses and viruses, a lot more than hundreds, there are thousands of them. There are so many parts of the immune system because it is meant to protect your body very well and it does but some people that don't make their immune system healthy and they have a higher chance of dieing. Viruses can cause sicknesses. Viruses can infect plants and animals if you eat a fruit that has a virus on it you might die or get sick sometimes you can get really sick so if you see a fruit that has a weird part it might have a virus or something else that is bad. you can get sicknesses by eating something dirty like a fruit that has dirt on it or if a animal ate some part of it and then you eat it that will also make you sick, there are lots of ways to get sick.
Stomach acid is for killing viruses and digesting foods, the stomach is for the digestive system and for the immune system. Your immune system tries to fight a parasitic worm because the parasitic worm eats some of the food you eat. Another name for a white blood cell is leukocyte, there are a lot of white blood cells in your body because there are a lot of sicknesses in the world, white blood cells kills bacteria by eating them but they cannot do that to cancer cells because they are too big for them. Some bacteria are not bad because they help your body to function properly. There are more than one million white blood cells in your body and that is a lot of white blood cells that is why your immune system is so strong. Red blood cells do not protect your body. Any way this is the end of my blog.
Cancer is not a sickness it is a problem with the immune system, one of the cells become a cancer cell and cancer cells think that normal cells are enemies and then they attack them, then the cancer cell multiplies then more cancer cells appear then they kill more cells and they multiples more and it keeps happening again until you die, cancer is very common but a kid having cancer is very uncommon, cancer is like a sickness for cells but it isn't, bone cancer does this it makes your bones very weak and if you hit a tree and you have bone cancer your bone might brake. Sneezing is part of you immune system because if something that is not supposed to go in your system it will sneeze it out. Inflammation is one of the first responses of your immune system against bacteria, if you have a cut and bacteria goes inside it will swell, becomes red, it would feel kinda hot and painful.
You have an immune system because there are a lot of bacteria in the world they are all around you in your house, in the ocean, outside,even in your body, in your friend's body and in your pet's body it is in every body, it is everywhere. If you did not have a immune system you would feel terrible if you have a sickness and you would die even if it was a really weak sickness you would die because you would not have an immune system. White blood cells are the cells that fight the bacteria and they are part of the immune system, they are everywhere in your body they protect all the parts of your body, the place where with the most white blood cells are the bones because they create white blood cells, there are a lot of white blood cells there are more than thousands.
The common sicknesses can be defended by our immune system, most common sicknesses can be killed easily if your immune system is strong, if you want to make your immune system strong you must have enough sleep, have a proper diet and exercise more often. Stress will weaken your immune system, alcohol reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs so you will have more chances of getting sicknesses. If you get fat your immune system will also get weak because it can affect the ability of white blood cells to multiply, produce antibodies, and prevent inflammation. Likewise if you take too much medicine because you will be resistant to the antibiotic or other medicines and so it will not affect bacteria or viruses because you will be needing a higher dose. If you are too dehydrated your immune system will not work properly because water helps our body to get rid of the bacteria.
There are hundreds of sicknesses and viruses, a lot more than hundreds, there are thousands of them. There are so many parts of the immune system because it is meant to protect your body very well and it does but some people that don't make their immune system healthy and they have a higher chance of dieing. Viruses can cause sicknesses. Viruses can infect plants and animals if you eat a fruit that has a virus on it you might die or get sick sometimes you can get really sick so if you see a fruit that has a weird part it might have a virus or something else that is bad. you can get sicknesses by eating something dirty like a fruit that has dirt on it or if a animal ate some part of it and then you eat it that will also make you sick, there are lots of ways to get sick.
Stomach acid is for killing viruses and digesting foods, the stomach is for the digestive system and for the immune system. Your immune system tries to fight a parasitic worm because the parasitic worm eats some of the food you eat. Another name for a white blood cell is leukocyte, there are a lot of white blood cells in your body because there are a lot of sicknesses in the world, white blood cells kills bacteria by eating them but they cannot do that to cancer cells because they are too big for them. Some bacteria are not bad because they help your body to function properly. There are more than one million white blood cells in your body and that is a lot of white blood cells that is why your immune system is so strong. Red blood cells do not protect your body. Any way this is the end of my blog.
What I did at Wednesday
At Wednesday I did all the stuff I usually do then I played minecraf. I played the Colosseum map in minecraft and my big brother ruined it because he killed everyone and he kept on failing because I was wearing golden armor and I was using a golden sword of knockback and once I knocked him back into a lava pit and he got really angry because all of his items were destroyed because of the lava it was really funny, but once my big brother hit my little brother into a lava pit and he lived then after that my little brother was trying to kill my big brother but I told them to stop. Before my big brother ruined the colosseum, I made my big brother and little brother fight creepers, it's more than ten and my big brother survived while my little brother was being chased by two creepers then he was checking his inventory and he did not know that a creeper was behind him then he died. I also made them fight a lot of wolves and my big brother tamed one then I killed it because there are no tame wolves allowed any way this is the end of my blog.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Awards for the Colosseum
The average award for the Colosseum is 50 gold nuggets
The bad award for the Colosseum is 25 iron ingots
The very bad award for the Colosseum is 25 sticks
The good award for the Colosseum is 100 gold ingots
The very good award for the Colosseum is 75 diamonds
The wither award for the Colosseum is 1 nether star
The end award for the Colosseum is 100 eyes of ender and 100 ender pearls.
The bad award for the Colosseum is 25 iron ingots
The very bad award for the Colosseum is 25 sticks
The good award for the Colosseum is 100 gold ingots
The very good award for the Colosseum is 75 diamonds
The wither award for the Colosseum is 1 nether star
The end award for the Colosseum is 100 eyes of ender and 100 ender pearls.
Monday, November 5, 2012
What I did at Monday and What I am going to do today
Lazer blue |
cookie monster |
RED pyro |
Sunday, November 4, 2012
What I am going to do today in minecraft and minecraft skins
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The new minecraft update is out and it is really cool. The enemies and animals it adds are witches, withers, wither skeletons, zombies villagers and bats. The update is called the pretty scary update some people call it version 1.4.2. The wither is really strong because it shoots you with exploding black skulls and it kills anything in it's way except for undead enemies like wither skeletons, zombies, skeletons. The update also adds a lot of new items. Did you know that if netherrack is on fire, the fire will stay forever until you hit it and also there are new potions in Minecraft the potions are the potion of night vision and the potion of invisibility and if you throw a invisibility potion on a spider it eyes will glow and if you throw it at a sheep you will just see wool that is floating this is the end of my blog.
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