Thursday, August 30, 2012

Respiratory System

All animals need oxygen to make energy. Some of parts of oxygen has air in it. Oxygen is in water but not in water. If oxygen was not in water all the fishes would die and we would also die. you do not really need water to live you only need the oxygen to live but you also need to eat animals, fruit and vegetables. The sky is made out of water that means it has oxygen in it, it starts raining because of the clouds the clouds grab the water and then start becoming bigger and bigger and then they start to rain and lightning is created by two clouds rubbing together so clouds sometimes kill people by striking people with lightning or they start to rain and then it floods and then a lot of people die that sometimes happens and then people lose all of their food and then they die or some people give them some food for free.

Some fish have lungs like the lung fish it is called that name because it has lungs. The lungfish eats fish, insects, crustaceans, worms, molluscs, amphibians and plant matter, most of them are animals and only one is plant. The Australian lungfish only has one lung but all the others have two lungs. Australian lungfish is also called the Queensland lungfish, the Burnett salmon or the final name the barramunda. It has too many names, why did they make so many names just for a lungfish that lives in Australia? The Queensland lungfish at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago has been part of the permanent live collection since 1933 so that means that it lived seventy nine years old. Some people die younger than that, I wonder why they live so long. Lungfish only live in Africa, South America and Australia. Lungfish can breath out of water but they can't live out of water too long because they can't move on the ground.

Gills are not similar to lungs but they are both used for breathing, but gills is used to breath in water and lungs are used to breath air. Gills are the same shape as lungs. Some fish and snails have lungs but most of them have gills like a sea snail, it has gills. Most tetrapods have gills. Lungfish are like amphibians because they can both can survive in land longer than normal fish. Almost all of the animals have two lungs except for the Australian lungfish it only has one. A lungfish can only eat in water but not out of water because it does not have any hands but you can feed it by putting food in it's mouth. Lungfish were first found as a fossil and then they found one alive and some people were really surprised, it was like a coelacanth, it was a living fossil. Not only fish have living fossils, some animals that live in land are living fossils too.

Some animals have special gills like the hermit crab but fish have normal gills. Did you know that you have a muscle that is under your lungs? It is called the diaphragm, it helps you breath. If  you don't have it you will have a hard time breathing because the diaphragm expands your thoracic cavity. You need both a brain and a heart to breath, the heart helps the lungs oxygenate the whole body by bumping oxygenated blood. The lungs give the red blood cells air then they transport air in the body and that is how the lungs oxygenate the whole body. Each time you smoke you will get damaged a little bit but if you smoke too much your lungs will start to become black and then they become very weak that also makes your body weaker against sicknesses and it also makes your body have a hard time breathing.

The bigger you are the more oxygen you need. Dolphins are mammals but they live at sea but they have to go up again to get some air and then come down again same as the whale but the whale is slower and they live deeper. Dolphins do not go deep because they know something will eat them and they might die by drowning, but we drown faster than dolphins and whales. People thought that the whale shark was a whale before because it acted like a whale but it was not because it did not come up and breath air, they found out that they were whales later because it did not go up to breath, the whale shark is really like a whale because it does not eat stuff that the shark usually eats, the whale shark eats krill, algae and plankton see nothing like a normal shark.

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