Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This post is about globalization. Globalization is about trading. Buying stuff is part of globalization because you will give the person money and then they will give you the thing that you paid for. Without globalization you would have no internet, so if there was no globalization you could not read this post that I made. If you have the internet you sometimes don't need to go to shops, because sometimes you can just order stuff from the internet but if you order it from the internet it will take longer to get but you don't have to go any where. The internet is great, because you can learn from the internet, watch videos to entertain yourself, the internet is great before when we did not have internet it was harder to learn stuff, now you can just go to a website and it might teach you something that you don't know.

Globalization has continually increased international competition in sports because you could go on an airplane. Without globalization, it is hard to go to another country, but now you can go to an airplane and traveling by it is a lot faster than traveling by foot. Foot was the only way to go to another country before. It is really tiring to go to another country by foot, because you would have to take a lot of breaks and it would take some days to go there, it was really hard. Before most people did not go to another country because it would take to long to get there. Globalization was even in the early days because you can trade with another person and that is part of globalization. Because if you do not need something and someone else wants it and the guy who wants your thing has the thing you want and he does not need it you could trade with him.

Before, it would take about two months to cross the Atlantic ocean, but now it just takes about five hours by plane and two weeks by ship. The bad thing about riding boats and ships are if a fire starts in one of them. Because were will the people go? Because if there is a fire in the plane, you cannot go anywhere. If you parachuted down you would probably land in the ocean and if you are riding a ship and catch a fire, you could not go anywhere because you would be in the middle of the ocean and you would probably drown while you are in the middle of the sea. There is pretty much no way out because your muscles might get tired, or you might get eaten by a shark or something like that. That is why if you are on a boat or an airplane and it goes on fire, you are pretty much dead

Globalization made people able to buy stuff from other countries, like they can get the thing from the country and then send it to a store that is in another country. Going to another country is fun because you are going to a country you never gone to and the country you go to also has different places in it. Globalization made almost everything easier, because it made travel easier, buying stuff from other countries easier, made learning easier too, it even made getting stuff easier because you can buy stuff from the internet. If globalization did not exist, I would be angry because there is no internet, no computer, no buying stuff and no traveling to another country. If there was no computer I would also be mad because when I am bored I cannot do the a computer. If there was a computer it would still be boring because there would be no internet and the world would be horrible.

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