Thursday, January 17, 2013

Population Ecology

This post is about population ecology. Population ecology is about a group of species that interact with each other. The first species I am going to talk about are the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are like little vampires because they suck blood. They start as little worm like thing that lives in the water, then they go inside a pupa, then after that they will become the little vampires that suck your blood slowly. If male mosquitoes want a mate they will stay in one place then more male mosquitoes stay at the same place that it will make a cloud made out of male mosquitoes, then if a female comes the female will just go in the cloud and mate with the male mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can sometimes give you diseases that they have by sucking your blood, sometimes the diseases can kill people but you do not have to worry about the diseases they can give you because they are rare.

Now I am going to talk about frogs. Frogs eat insects, they are good because they can keep some of the population of the insects down. They have webbed feet to help them swim easily. Some frogs are poisonous, the poison dart frog are one type of frog that is poisonous, normally if frogs are colorful they are poisonous. Frog's babies are tadpoles they look like fish but they grow a little bit bigger, then they grow two little legs, then gets four little legs then begin to have bigger legs and then they get a shorter tail and then they get no tail so they become a frog. Some frogs are camouflaged, sometimes they are very well camouflaged. Male frogs can croak to attract a mate, the male frog that croaks the loudest gets the mate. Some people eat frogs, the back feet for the frog are strong because they are the ones that move the most when they swim.

Now I am going to talk about snakes. Snakes sometimes bite people and sometimes their bites are poisonous and can be deadly. The coral snake is a snake with deadly venom. Some snakes pretend to be another type of snake that is deadly, like milk snakes pretend to be coral snakes. Snakes eat mice and sometimes chickens too, if the snakes are big enough, they eat their food whole. Some types of snakes eat eggs, they even eat the egg whole, after they eat their food you can see a lump as an evidence of not chewing their foods. Some snakes can live in the ocean, they are called sea snakes. They can swim and they normally eat fish, some species eat molluscs and crustaceans, but some species of sea snakes eat fish eggs. They are rarely venomous, sea snakes do not have gills so they sometimes have to go to the surface to breath.

I am now going to talk about bears. Bears eat stuff like berries and fish. Bears are strong, it is rare for them to attack people but if people surprise it, the bear will probably attack. Adult males sometimes kill bear cubs for some reasons. Now lets talk about ants, they are small but some can bite you and sometimes the bites hurt for a while. They will rip out tiny parts of food and animals that do not move and they leave the tiny parts of the animal to their nest and then it grows a mold and they eat that mold. They like sugar because it is the thing that gives the mold the fastest, each ant nest has more than a thousand ants living in it. Fire ants are dangerous ants, if you sleep right next to a fire ant nest, you would probably die in your sleep.

Now I am going to talk about birds. Some birds are small and some are big. Usually the big ones are predators, eagle is a type of big birds and they sometimes eat mice, snakes and other stuff. Birds make their nest out of little twigs and sometimes grass. Some bird's nests can look like little houses, and there are types of birds that go to another birds nest. Some types kicks one of the eggs out of the nest and then replaces it with it's own egg then the mommy bird leaves. And when the eggs hatched the bird that owned the nest will think that it's her own child. Then she will take care of it and then when the bird that replaced the other bird is mature, it will do the same thing if it is a female, but if it is a male it will mate with a female of it's species then the female will lay an egg in another birds nest. It goes on forever, those types of birds are really evil. Any way this is the end of my post.

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