Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Immune system

This post is about the immune system, if you do not have it you would die easily because if you have an illness you would die because you do not have an immune system so that is why we have an immune system. The immune system helps you live longer but your immune system cannot always save your life, it can sometimes lose against some sicknesses, if your immune system is not strong enough you can drink medicine and then the medicine kills some part of the sickness and then the immune system fights the sickness again and then your body will win but some sicknesses cannot be killed by the body so you just drink medicine then you might get cured but you might not get cured. All animals have immune systems, even plants have immune systems, some animals have different types of immune systems, even bugs have immune systems.

Cancer is not a sickness it is a problem with the immune system, one of the cells become a cancer cell and cancer cells think that normal cells are enemies and then they attack them, then the cancer cell multiplies then more cancer cells appear then they kill more cells and they multiples more and it keeps happening again until you die, cancer is very common but a kid having cancer is very uncommon, cancer is like a sickness for cells but it isn't, bone cancer does this it makes your bones very weak and if you hit a tree and you have bone cancer your bone might brake. Sneezing is part of you immune system because if something that is not supposed to go in your system it will sneeze it out. Inflammation is one of the first responses of your immune system against bacteria, if you have a cut and bacteria goes inside it will swell, becomes red, it would feel kinda hot and painful.

You have an immune system because there are a lot of bacteria in the world they are all around you in your house, in the ocean, outside,even in your body, in your friend's body and in your pet's body it is in every body, it is everywhere. If you did not have a immune system you would feel terrible if you have a sickness and you would die even if it was a really weak sickness you would die because you would not have an immune system. White blood cells are the cells that fight the bacteria and they are part of the immune system, they are everywhere in your body they protect all the parts of your body, the place where with the most white blood cells are the bones because they create white blood cells, there are a lot of white blood cells there are more than thousands.

The common sicknesses can be defended by our immune system, most common sicknesses can be killed easily if your immune system is strong, if you want to make your immune system strong you must have enough sleep, have a proper diet and exercise more often. Stress will weaken your immune system, alcohol reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs so you will have more chances of getting sicknesses. If you get fat your immune system will also get weak because it can affect the ability of white blood cells to multiply, produce antibodies, and prevent inflammation. Likewise if you take too much medicine because you will be resistant to the antibiotic or other medicines and so it will not affect bacteria or viruses because you will be needing a higher dose. If you are too dehydrated your immune system will not work properly because water helps our body to get rid of the bacteria.

There are hundreds of sicknesses and viruses, a lot more than hundreds, there are thousands of them. There are so many parts of the immune system because it is meant to protect your body very well and it does but some people that don't make their immune system healthy and they have a higher chance of dieing. Viruses can cause sicknesses. Viruses can infect plants and animals if you eat a fruit that has a virus on it you might die or get sick sometimes you can get really sick so if you see a fruit that has a weird part it might have a virus or something else that is bad. you can get sicknesses by eating something dirty like a fruit that has dirt on it or if a animal ate some part of it and then you eat it that will also make you sick, there are lots of ways to get sick.

Stomach acid is for killing viruses and digesting foods, the stomach is for the digestive system and for the immune system. Your immune system tries to fight a parasitic worm because the parasitic worm eats some of the food you eat. Another name for a white blood cell is leukocyte, there are a lot of white blood cells in your body because there are a lot of sicknesses in the world, white blood cells kills bacteria by eating them but they cannot do that to cancer cells because they are too big for them. Some bacteria are not bad because they help your body to function properly. There are more than one million white blood cells in your body and that is a lot of white blood cells that is why your immune system is so strong. Red blood cells do not protect your body. Any way this is the end of my blog.

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