Thursday, November 22, 2012

Spiral knights!@#!ghjs

I found out at spiral knights one gemlin, is selling pets, bad thing you can only get them for only about four days! each year, also the pets cost more than one hundred thousand, I'm serious, I want a chroma pet but it costs too much, any way time to talk about other stuff I did not get the owlite shield yet, my friend wanted to play with me in spiral knights so we did the mission Shocking Sentient Sentries and it was a little bit hard and my younger brother also joined and he was the worst because his rank was, rank 2-2, so he died so many times he made me waist all my energy because he kept on saying revive me, I had to because everyone forced me to, he always follows us around and when I say split up he always follows me, weird right, he just ran away from two, tier two gun puppies and he never uses his shield and I almost always use my shield and there was a tier two rocket puppy and it had following missiles and my brother just when close to it and attacked it and then he died, but me and my friend used guns to defeat it my brother almost always uses his sword he never uses shield, guns and bombs,  he only likes charging, any way this is the end of my blog.

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