Thursday, February 7, 2013

Community Ecology 2

This post is community ecology part 2. Predators are animals that eat other animals and they need to eat another animal to survive. They need it to survive because they get energy from the animal they eat. There are a lot of predators in the world, some predators eat different stuff like hair worms eat the insides of grasshoppers and nobody knows how the worm gets in the grasshopper. The tape worm is a little evil worm, but a lot of species of worms do that, sometimes to different animals but this one does it to grasshoppers. Some animals eat people but there are not many there are more that eat smaller animals. One of the animals that can eat you is a tiger, they do not usually bite you but they can if you go to close to it, if it bites you, you will get a really bad injury.

Wolves are a type of predator that hunts in packs. Wolf is not really that strong so it would be hard for him to hunt alone, but if there are about five or six wolves attacking an animal it would be really tough. You have to kill all of them and it is hard to kill a wolf, if you hurt it, it would become angrier and then they would hurt you more. They would eat pretty much everything, if they see a human body they would eat it. They mostly eat meat but sometimes they eat plants but they mostly eat meat. They do not attack on sight, if you get to close or if you hurt them a wolf pack might attack you, it is not easy to kill a wolf pack, they might kill a person but they might not kill a person. If people are not armed and a wolf pack attacks them they have a high chance of dieing.

People are also predators, we eat a lot of different animals, but not all eat all animals. Some people eat weird animals like rats. Snakes are predators that sometimes have poison. Some snakes eat rats and eggs. They eat animals and eggs whole, without using their teeth. They use their teeth for biting animals and then they release venom into the animal they bit. Sometimes the poison can be deadly but sometimes they don't have poison at all. Usually the colorful snakes are the poisonous ones, if a animal that eats snakes sees a colorful snake. It would not eat it because it knows that it is poisonous, but some types of snakes pretend to be another type of snake that is poisonous, like the milk snake pretends to be the coral snake. Coral snake venom are deadly even to people, but the milk snake is not actually dangerous.

Lions are predators they are strong, they eat gazelles sometimes they eat buffaloes, buffaloes are slow but harder to kill but they are a bigger meal, gazelles are fast but are easier to kill but they do not make a really big meal, female lions are called lionesses, they are more aggressive than the males, the way to see if it is a lioness or not is that lionesses have no mane, lions usally hunt in a pack, even though they are powerful, they are even more powerful in a pack, lions can eat humans, but not usally but if they are hungry they might attack you on sight, one man eating lion was killed at april 2004 and it ate and killed thirty five people, not many lions kill thirty five or more people, that is why you should not go too close to a lion, because it might kill you.

Cats are counted as predators, they look like a nice pet but they are not they kill rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits and small birds. Sometimes they kill animals for fun, they do not even eat it. Once when I walked around, I found a dead house mouse under my chair, my cat just killed it and left it there, it did not eat it. Sometimes cats eat them but only if they are hungry, cats have really good weapons, the weapon is their claws, like once my brother had a hamster and it was in it's cage and then our cat came next to the cage and night and then our cat pulled the hamster out. We did not know how it pulled the hamster out, but we just found the hamster dead on the floor it was really weird. Any way this is the end of my post.

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