Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Nucleus

This post is about the Nucleus, it is not the cell nucleus so if you want to see a post about a cell nucleus just search for another blog or Wikipedia because I am not going to make a post about it ( just go to Wikipedia because Wikipedia has almost everything about everything even stuff about the cell nucleus so if you are looking for a cell nucleus just go to Wikipedia ). The person who found out about the atomic nucleus is named Ernest Rutherford and his residence is New Zealand, UK and Canada ( YEAH! New Zealand!). He died when he was sixty six, he was smart because he discovered about the atomic nucleus and that must be hard to discover some people call Ernest "The Father of Nuclear Physics" because he was one of the smart people. There are not many smart people in the world, if you combine all the smart people's brains together that brain would know almost everything.

Ernest is considered the greatest experimentalist since Michael Faraday ( a funny thing about Michael Faraday is that he was born in a town called Newington butts, BUTTS! it is really weird name for a town because of the butt part of it's name, you can make fun of the town because the name if really funny ) it was hard to find out stuff in the old days because you might need a machine to find out one thing so it is getting easier to learn about stuff. Ernest won six awards and that is a lot because you can't get awards that easily because you have to be good at a skill or you have to be smart to get an award and the awards he won are chemistry awards, he even got the Nobel prize for chemistry and not many people get Nobel prizes but he was one of the rare people who got one.

Everything is make out of chemicals, there are a lot of chemicals, people did not find all the chemicals but we found a lot of chemicals, we are not sure if we found most of the chemicals because there might be more than one million chemicals but there might be less than one hundred fifty but we are not sure and we will never be sure maybe we found all the chemicals but people cannot just say that because they have to prove that we found all the chemicals, it is hard to find proof because there might be another chemical that only appears in another solar system or in another planet like mars or maybe the sun, if there is a chemical in the sun it will be hard to discover because the sun is really far away, it will take more than ten more days, a lot more than that and the closer you get to the sun, the hotter it will get and the rocket ship will get abandoned because the people on it would probably die of old age before even getting close to the sun.

Einstein proved that atoms exist, before Einstein proved that they existed some people were saying atoms are only a theory but they were wrong they actually exists. Silver in the Periodic table is weird because the chemical symbol is Ag, instead of something SV because SI is taken by silken and SV is for nothing so silver should be SV, it is weird that it is called AG but I don't think they are allowed to change the chemical symbol so lets try to not get annoyed by AG because it is annoying to a lot of people because AG looks like it is for something else but it is for silver ( WEIRD!! WHY DON'T THEY CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME! IT IS REALLY ANNOYING BUT I DON'T KNOW IF PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE CHEMICAL NAME OF A CHEMICAL THAT IS ONE OF THE WEIRD STUFF IN CHEMISTRY ) .

Ernest was one of the smart people in the world, it is not easy being smart but it is very easy being dumb, some people are in the middle of smart and dumb but most people are a little bit dumber than that or a little bit smarter than that. Ernest had 23 students and his students probably learned a lot and they probably became a lot smarter because they had a really smart teacher that won a lot of awards and they were probably amazed by him, Ernest was born long before you were born he was born at 1871, if you were born before him you would be dead ( Well you might be born before him if you are a time traveling person but the time machine would probably never be made because you can't just travel through time, you might cause something bad to happen ). Any way this is the end of my chemistry post.

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