Thursday, June 13, 2013

Indian Ocean Trade ( 400th post )

The Indian ocean trade was trade with boats, they would not use camels because the camels will drown, there were a lot of trade routes but they were only in the Indian ocean. The Chinese wanted ivory handles but elephants are only in India and Africa so they traded with them and then the Chinese got ivory handles and the Indians or Africans probably got some silk because the Chinese had silk, it was a good trade but the tusks are hard to get because you need to find a dead elephant or kill an alive one then get his tusks and the tusks are heavy, ivory was strong because the tusks of an elephant were made out of them so the Chinese wanted ivory and then they got it. Everybody got what they wanted but if they did not like the trade, they would say no to the trade but if they both liked it they would agree and trade but it takes a long time to go to another country but you get the things you want.

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