Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Stalker ep1
The Hidden
The hidden is an awesome game, it has two teams, the hidden and the humans, there is only one hidden but everyone else is a human, they have guns they have to kill the hidden or wait for the time to end, the hidden can jump on walls hold on walls and ceilings, jump on enemies and kill them, he has two weapons a knife and grenades, he has about six grenades, the grenades are good at weakening enemies, the knife has two attacks, strong stab and weak stab, the weak stab is fast but the strong stab is slow but can kill an enemy instantly, they will just explode into human pieces, the hidden is called the hidden because he is invisible but if you stand still you can kinda see him, you can still kinda see him if you move but it is harder, the humans can kill the hidden but he is hard to see, we are playing it on a LAN server, when he dies his corpse appears and he becomes visible, the hidden looks like a stalker from half life 2 but the hidden is a lot stronger than a stalker, what do you think will win the battle, the hidden, SPC-106 or The Bronze Statue From Kraven Manor, there is a poll if you check around the blog. Any way this is the end of my post.

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