Thursday, June 13, 2013


Slavery was not good because they just make people slaves, nobody wants to be a slave because you will get hurt and you have to do what the person tells you to do, to not die but some of them could not stand it and ran away to places like Canada ( or maybe commit suicide ). The slaves sometimes fought back and they actually won by fighting back, there were a lot of slaves they were always form different places, they would just be captured by a person then be sold by a person, then that person might be bad and then do horrible stuff that he does not want to do and stuff, or he might be a good person who wait a minute why would a good person buy a slave ( DUN DUN DUN! ), seriously no good person would buy a slave ( maybe he would just let him go when he arrives? but that is almost impossible ).

The slaves were really hurt by their masters because they usually have blood and some skin off just because of the master hitting them with a whip, they made it out of leather and leather is kinda hard, there is a picture showing a person with a whipped back, it is in black and white because it was in the old days but it still looks horrible. There were not many slaves that escaped but some slaves escaped then they grabbed stuff to use as weapons then they fought then they actually won, I think some of them actually had guns, the slaves were strong but they were already hurt because probably a person saw him then chased him and hurt him but some of them did not even get hurt, it was actually amazing because the slaves won because they do not usually win like that but some of them were smart so they could.

About one thousand slaves ran way from their masters each year. Slavery was not a good idea but the people who were slave masters liked slavery because people could do stuff for you, if a person buys slaves that means he does not care about slaves and he is really lazy, so lazy that he won't even do the stuff he is meant to do. Slavery was bad and at the end, the slaves won in it, it was bad and it was good that the slaves won it because if it did not end you might of been a slave and you would get hurt and a lot of other painful stuff. The slave masters were not nice to the slaves, they would not do something they would whip him with a whip or do another really bad thing, they did not really do anything nice to the slaves.

Being a slave is one of the worst things you could ever be in your life because you have to do stuff for a person that you do not even know, you had to grow crops and do other stuff like that and growing crops is hard to do  ( well except in Minecraft just get a hoe, get some seeds, then wait for a while but we are not talking about minecraft in this post ). There were a lot of slaves in the US but the US is not the only place that had slavery, a lot of other countries have slavery ( Maybe some still have slavery ), slavery was one of the bad things that the US did, this was one of the worst things they did, slavery is one of the worst things people did in the world was slavery, it is really bad for people.

There were more slaves than slave owners because a slave owner usually had one or two slaves, the slavemasters liked slavery but the slaves did not like it some people that are just normal people did not like slavery even though they were not slaves because they probably thought that is was unfair for the slaves and they do not deserve to be like that and the slaves really do not deserve it, they don't want to be forced by some people to do stuff they do not want to do but they have to or else they will get hurt by them, they really hated it but they had to do it. Slavery was not good and it was a good thing that it was stopped by the slaves, it was amazing that the slaves won because they had to get weapons and I think some took weapons from their owners.

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