Thursday, March 14, 2013

Human Impacts on the Environment

This post is about Human Impacts on the environment. There are a lot of ways people can affect the environment, like if a person burns down some plants that will affect the environment badly but if a person waters some plants it will affect the environment but watering plants won't effect the environment badly. Cleaning rivers helps the environment a lot because there are fish and plants in rivers and cleaning the river will make the fish and plants healthier and if you make the river more dirty that will make the environment a good one because the fish and plants might die because they won't be so healthy because of the water is dirty and you can see if a river is dirty or not because dirty rivers have brownish water or sometimes greenish water and it is not a good idea to swim in those colored rivers.

You should not make the environment you live in worse, you should make it better, because if you help the environment, it might make the animals that live in the environment with you will be healthy, so if you have a really healthy environment, you have a really high chance of not seeing an animal that has problems, animals with problems usually look weirder like they might have a body part that weird like one type of problem makes one of your legs taller than your other leg and it is really hard to walk if you have that problem, you will not run that fast, another problem will make one of your legs weaker than the other and you also walk slower, it is horrible to get one of these problems, it is really horrible, most people do not have it but some people do but it is really uncommon.

The environment you live in is important because the environment you live in might be good but if you don't take care of it, it will become a bad environment and when it becomes bad, you will want to live in another environment and the same thing might happen to another environment, there are plants in each environment. All of the world is an environment even places people do not know is an environment because there need to be plants or an animal in a place, like in the ocean there are plants and even on land, if there is a place with only plants it is still an environment and have you seen a place with no plants, probably not because plants are everywhere, there are a lot of plants in the world and they are always at places that people are at, like outside your house there are plants.

Some people do not really care about their environment until their environment becomes really bad, like for instance littering. Littering is bad for the environment, if you throw a plastic bag in the ocean, a turtle might come and think that the plastic bag is a jellyfish and then it tries eating it, then the turtle will probably choke and then dies. It might also rot making the ocean have toxins in it and then some animals might be affected by the toxins. One of the animals that can be affected by it are people. A person who threw the plastic bag in the ocean affected a lot of animals just by throwing a plastic bag in the ocean, he killed the animals without even knowing. Now that you know that littering is bad, do not to throw a plastic bag in the ocean because that might happen.

Sometimes people can make some species extinct, sometimes just by making the environment worse like you can destroy all the grass in an ecosystem you live in and then some species that live there might eat grass but there is no grass, so they will die, we don't really need grass but some other animals really need it because they eat the grass some animals do that are sheep, they eat grass, so if sheep only lived in one environment and someone destroys all the grass in the environment, all the sheep will be extinct and sheep are good because you can eat their meat and you can use their wool to make really soft stuff sometimes they make clothes out of wool, so if there was no sheep, no really soft clothes but some other stuff can make soft clothes. Any way this is the end of my blog post.

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